Synopsis by jerry

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Registriert: 3. Mai 2013, 15:21
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Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von Richard »

"Beyond time lands" or "Lands beyond time" ?
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Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

I'll be very pleased to be proven wrong and have lots of exciting adventures. :D
On the question of translating Jenzeitigen Lands, a German friend of mine who has read this and the next cycle suggested the Hereafter Lands as a good translation for this SF made up term, so I've been using that.

Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2774 The Cosmoglobe

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The Cosmoglobe
Der Kosmoglobus
By Hubert Haensel

The STAULCETT flies to the planet Shyor. Perry Rhodan and his companions are on board as stowaways. Icho Tolot and Avan Tacrol follow with the location-protected TONDAR GHI. The RAS TSCHUBAI approaches the Khochd system at some distance. Two Space Packs of Onryones promptly appear, but its just a coincidence - the Terran ship remains undetected. Meanwhile, Benner deals with the on-board systems of the Spochane ship and collects knowledge about the Cosmoglobes Knowledge of these is also gained by the RAS TSCHUBAI. The two Cosmoglobes, each measuring 1883 kilometers in diameter, are nothing less than miniature universes, comparable to the Chaotender ZENTAPHER. They have a non-zero Strangeness value, probably have a much larger interior and most likely also a completely different flow of time. Cosmoglobe I represents the connection to the Hereafter Lands and is adjusted by the innermost planet Penparzen. Only Atope ships can fly into it. Cosmoglobe II is used for »harvesting«. Spochane ships can also :>navigate inside this one. From its control world, the third planet Vangtermachd, the Atopic Portal is created, a three-kilometer ring of energy that enables passage.

When STAULCETT receives a harvesting order and prepares to cross the Atopic Portal, Rhodan seizes the opportunity. He refrains from immediately releasing the completely recovered Baucis Fender. Instead, he and Gucky disguise themselves as Onryones as soon as the Strangeness effects have subsided and participate in the "harvest" to gather more information. The STAULCETT goes alongside an ancient cylinder ship that moves through the mini-universe at half the speed of light. It is the HAND FULL OF LIGHT, a generation ship of the Ur-Larens, which presumably with several sister ships, broke away from the homeworld of Noular many millennia ago, was later kidnapped by the Atopes or their henchmen, moved to another time and finally brought inside the Cosmoglobe. HAND FULL OF LIGHT has been visited by »guests« like the STAULCETT for countless generations and receives fresh supplies and technical help from them. The Onryonian delegation, led by the ancient Hoonushur, also takes care of the Unfinished Ones. These Ur-Larens have mutated as a result of Strangeness and must be kept in survival tanks. The Onryones alleviate the pain of the Unfinished Ones using Glass Frost (Pucky steals a capsule telekinetically) and take them back to their ship with them. The Onryones refer to them by the term coming from their original discoverer Toycott Jajorric - they are Jaj.

The STAULCETT has thus fulfilled its mission and is leaving the Cosmoglobe. Bruce Cattai and Tacitus Drake have by now found Fender's prison. She is broken out and the detonation of a Spochane rescue capsule provides distraction. Rhodan and his companions are picked up by the TONDAR GHI and together with the Haluters get transmitted to the RAS TSCHUBAI, because the space jet of the LAURIN squadron is of course immediately attacked and destroyed. ANANSI analyzes the data collected and claims that the Ur-Larens were not kidnapped at the time, but been brought to safety before a danger emanating from the Milky Way. ANANSI does not want to reveal the nature of the connection between the Milky Way and Larhatoon yet…


This was a fun romp and we learned the origin of the Jaj, which I appreciated. I don't know that it moves us forward much, but it's something. I'm not too happy with Gucky yet. They need to build his self-confidence more and figure some innovative ways to use what psi-powers he's accumulated till now. Time will tell. :>
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Registriert: 18. Mai 2013, 16:07

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von nanograinger »

jerrys109 hat geschrieben: 23. Mai 2020, 00:45 On the question of translating Jenzeitigen Lands, a German friend of mine who has read this and the next cycle suggested the Hereafter Lands as a good translation for this SF made up term, so I've been using that.

Well, this is your show, you use what you want. But "Hereafter" is the "Jenseits" and has clear religious implications. I would not use it to avoid misunderstandings. Die "Jenzeitige Lande" are not the "Jenseits" of any religion that I know of. The entire topic of the Tribunal, the power behind it and the "Jenzeitige Lande" touch religious sentiment and it might be better not to confuse the creative invention of the authors with a term widely used in various religions.

Not that it matters, but I am also German and have read the cycles and lived in the US for over seven years, so I have some insight in this matters. If there would be an official translation of this novels in the US, no way would the publisher dare to use the term "Hereafter".
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

So it has religious overtones? Interesting. Then maybe I will use Lands Beyond Time. I'll have to dig into my edit macro. Thanks for the input. It's much appreciated.

Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

City of the Keloskers
Stadt der Kelosker
Oliver Fröhlich

Velleshy Pattoshar receives a special gift. The Crystalline Judge "Inspired" her foster son Clocc Otym. However, the one brought to life behaves strangely. He behaves disrespectfully towards Pattoshar and Hoonushur, the commander of the Domain Watch, and his Emot remains a constant gray and expresses no feelings. However, he has good ideas for finding the unknowns who have entered the Shyoricc domain. Any unusual occurrences of any kind on Shyorare are reported at his suggestion and evaluated immediately. An apparently insignificant event puts Otym on the trail of the enemy: two Onryones have disturbed one of the Keloskers who live on Shyor in his n-dimensional calculations. Two Onryones? There are always teams of three to care for and deal with the Keloskers! Something is wrong here. Pattoshar and Otym immediately set off on the way to the scene with a Neypashi capture squad.
In fact, Perry Rhodan and Sichu Dorksteiger disguised as Onryones tried to contact the Kelosker to gather information about the Cosmoglobes. Gucky, Avan Tacrol, Icho Tolot and the survivors of the Venus Team (except Baucis Fender, who has to remain in "quarantine" for the time being) are back and keep in the background. The first Kelosker whom Rhodan and Dorksteiger encounter is not particularly communicative, but shows the supposed Onryones the way to Gholdorodyn, a Kelosker who is considered disabled because he cannot think in as many dimensions as his peers. The Kelosker believes that Gholdorodyn's way of thinking is the most understandable for the underprivileged humanoids...
Gholdorodyn lives with his foster father Eldhoverd, who takes a certain risk with it, because Gholdorodyn disturbs the great goal that all his fellows are working on. That is why the two Keloskers help the Galactics when they tell the truth about themselves. Eldhoverd is interested in the fact that Rhodan and Tolot once worked with the legendary Arithmetic Master Dobrak. The Galactics learn from them what is really going on there on Shyor. The Kelosk strive to unite into a new entity. They know very well that they will achieve this goal in the distant future, because the product of their efforts has traveled into the relative present and guides them: it is the Crystalline Judge.
The Onryones attack. The Haluters detain the Neypashi so that Gholdorodyn (whose technical knowledge is far superior to that of the Galactics despite his disability) can activate one of his small bits of handicrafts with which he spends his time. He calls the object "the crane ". It is a particularly powerful fictiv transmitter that he uses to get himself, Eldhoverd and his new friends to safety. However, the Haluters remain behind…

Well, that was an unexpected term. If the Crystalline Judge is actually the Keloskers from the future, then I guess time has already changed. Otherwise, it would have warned the Onryones about this issue's events. Especially since it seems like a piece of it seems to be acting through Clocc Otym. And if anyone Inspired now has a piece of it in them, does that mean Baucis Fender is now a plant? Time will tell. lol
Beiträge: 8363
Registriert: 18. Mai 2013, 16:07

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von nanograinger »

jerrys109 hat geschrieben: 26. Mai 2020, 02:26 Well, that was an unexpected term. If the Crystalline Judge is actually the Keloskers from the future, then I guess time has already changed. Otherwise, it would have warned the Onryones about this issue's events. ...
Not sure what you mean with "time has already changed". The statement that the Crystalline Judge is actually the Keloskers from the future means that the Atopes do indeed come from the relative future of the current time 1517 NGZ, but it does not mean that they know everything that happend and is going to happen.

Compare this with the time travels of the Terrans with the "Nullzeitdeformator" in the Cappins cycle (PR 400 ff.) The Galactics are now in the situation the Cappins were then, 200.000 years back: somebody from the future comes to them. But the Terrans of that time knew next to nothing about the 200.000 years between the endpoints of their time travel.

The Atopes know much more compared to the Terrans in their time travels, but they do not know everything. This is a common misconception.
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Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von ZEUT-42 »

The definition of time and the impact of time travel is changing from decade to decade within Perry Rhodan. There is the infamous "it happens because it happened" which was used to make time travel almost impossible - except that everyone had to ensure that time loops (where someone from the present had to go back in time to lay the foundations of the present) were working.

Originally, in the first 1000 issues of Perry Rhodan the future was wide open and the past was wide open as well and it could happen that time travel changed both the past and the present.In most cases, however, the impact on the present was minor. Then, starting at around issue 1500 and through to issue 2700 time was considered to be fixated, with the term "it happens because it happened" in the driving seat.

Starting with issue 2700, the series is going back to the original meaning of time and time travels. With time travels, you can now move back and forth, you can change something here and something there. Time travel is now a two-way-thing again and no longer one-way with loops. It is now possible to change the past again without directly affecting the present. There are also time singularities, where whole galaxies are frozen in time and do not change anymore (the galaxy Larhatoon in the far future) with the time going backwards under special circumstances (Saeqaer, the female Judge for Larhatoon was born and grown-up "backwards" in the time-frozen galaxy). The authors did not explain, how that works, they just reported it (issue 2784/2785). The authors introduced the concept of "auto-causality" in the following cycle (around issue 2830) to make all that possible but did not explain the term, which resulted in some confusion. "Auto-causality" is some kind of self-causality (which allows a lot).
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Oh boy. I can see now why someone I know finally decided to drop the series, after reading it since childhood. When they stop trying to figure out a reason for what they are doing, the story just becomes outright fantasy, I guess I'll have to see how I feel about when I reach that point in the story.

Thanks for the information,
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2776 Interference Factor Gholdorodyn

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Interference Factor Gholdorodyn
Störfaktor Gholdorodyn
By Uwe Anton

Conveniently, Gholdorodyn's crane is a fictiv transmitter that also transports itself. This way Perry Rhodan and his companions stay mobile. After the "disabled" Kelosker demonstrated another extraordinary talent (he can appease predatory felines by singing), plans are made. Pucky telepathically searches for Icho Tolot and Avan Tacrol , which is harder for him than before because he finds the Haluters’ planning brain’s concepts to be excruciatingly precise. In addition, the Ghespaurem is said to be in the city of Ghavdbe must be infiltrated, a kind of university for Keloskers, in which these beings train for their actual work - and which consists in controlling the Cosmoglobes and the Repulsor Wall of the Shyoricc domain. In addition, the Keloskers in the Ghespaurem are preparing to sublimate their minds into the machine and thus become the Crystalline Judge.

Hoonushur and Velleshy Pattoshar worry about the reborn Clocc Otym. The Onryone is no longer himself, which is particularly evident in the absolute ruthlessness with which he persecutes the strangers. Two Tolocestes speak up and advise the Domain Watch to kill Gholdorodyn. The Tolocestes noticed the use of the crane. As long as the "disabled" Kelosker more or less followed his house arrest, they could ignore him. But now he has become a disruptive factor that needs to be eliminated. Onryonic search groups swarm out. Rhodan's group comes dangerously close to one, but the patrol is mauled by big felines incited by Gholdorodyn to attack.

Pucky tracks down the Haluters, and they meet in Ghavd. Avan Tacrol is disguised as a Kelosker and goes with Gholdorodyn to the Ghespaurem, Benner is carried in a backpack. In the Ghespaurem, even the Haluter has difficulty in processing all the n-dimensional impressions that storm in on him. The Swoon penetrates the databases and learns that Cosmoglobe I serves as a portal to the Synchrony (a kind of "second time") and enables the journey to the Lands Beyond Time. Shortly afterwards, the Onryones attack because Benner’s data theft has not gone unnoticed. Clocc Otym, however, is too reckless, so the Galactics escape once again - thanks to the crane. However, Clocc Otym does not give up and sends the Space Father VOOTHOY into action. Loitmahd takes part in the hunt.

In the meantime, the Galactics have notified the RAS TSCHUBAI to come. Since the crane has a limited range, the ship must approach the planet Shyor so Rhodan’s group can reach it by Fictiv transmitter. It will take some time, and it is Avan Tacrol's job to hold off the Domain Watch in the person of Loitmahd long enough - the Spochane burns for a duel with a particularly strong opponent. When Avan threatens to be defeated, Icho Tolot intervenes. The escape succeeds. Gholdorodyn is ready to work with the Galactics, and especially with Sichu Dorksteiger. He thinks she is very smart for a track thinker. Eldhoverd still has to think about whether he wants to stay with the Galactics or crawl back to the Domain Guard.

In order to disguise their true intentions, the Galactics, following an idea from Bostich, sacrifice several dinghies in a diversionary attack on a central component of the systems that maintain the Repulsor Wall. Clocc Otym and Hoonushur are deceived and consider the RAS TSCHUBAI destroyed, but Velleshy Pattoshar smells the trick. However, she keeps her suspicions to herself, because she is now finally convinced that her foster son is no longer alive and that another being has taken his place. She no longer trusts the Crystalline Judge.

Perry Rhodan and Farye Sepheroa enjoy the peace and quiet in the Ogygia habitat of the RAS TSCHUBAI. Icho Tolot joins them. He is worried about Halut. He thinks he feels that his people's home world is in danger.

Wow, plenty of fun to be had in this issue. When we return to Perry, it seems Velleshy may become a reluctant ally. That would be fun. Unfortunately, there was also a fair amount of technobabble to annoy me here.

I see that the next three hefte deal with Bully. We'll see what happens.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2777 Escape from All Places

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Escape From All Places
Flucht aus Allerorten
By Michael Marcus Thurner

Quick Silver leads Reginald Bull and Toio Zindher through the Breviatur from Sigolat World to the City of All Places. Khuferchosdd is happy to get rid of the unwanted guests. The Terran and Tefroder are not welcome in Pha Gashapar, and their SERUNs are almost completely paralyzed by the city's Intotronics so that they cannot spy on secrets. Quick Silver's reputation as an artifact collector has suffered a lot lately. They are all supposed to be questioned by Protocol Defense. So it is important to move on quickly. Bull doesn't want to stay in the city for long anyway, because he has to get to the artificial world Wanderer, the seat of the superintelligence ES, as soon as possible to contact Atlan. Quick Silver uses his capabilities to deceive the PD and save time.

The trio can now move more or less freely. They pay a visit to an old acquaintance of Quick Silver’s named Stapax-Neutau - a parasite that is stuck in the dying body of the host he has wholly taken over - which leads them to a certain Corna Miche. The egg-shaped female is apparently particularly interested in the family life of the Cosmocrats, because when Bull tells her about Taurec's son Monos, she gives him the information needed for the onward journey to Wanderer: they have to go to the Breviatur of the planet Tann in Andro-Gamma and travel on from there. Though time is short, Bull agrees to Quick Silver’s request to check the White Room. Scientists at Pha Gashapar are currently investigating this without any results. When Bull approaches the White Room, it promptly reacts to the reprogrammed cell activator. A kind of defense mechanism is activated and negatively affects the entire environment (including some valuable artifacts collected by Quick Silver). Bull and his companions flee, but agents of the PD are on their heels.

Upon arriving on Tann, Bull has found that the descendants of the LFT ambassadors there have been using their technological superiority for some time to incite the natives (the Laameres - Tefroder descendants) against each other so that they do not develop further and enrich themselves from it. Since Tann has been completely isolated from the League since the hyperimpedance shock, the Terrans were able to control things there at will. Bull is not up to the task of simply traveling on without cleaning up this condition. Ambassador Keylor Aloshad doesn't like that. He wants to have the newcomers eliminated, but is deposed by his secretary Gaizka Arribachea who hopes to cooperate with Bull with immunity from prosecution. That way Bull can clean up the matter. Bull's pursuers penetrate to Tann through the Breviatur. Arribachea gives his guests credentials to trade for passage on a commercial spaceship of the Apukamuy that has just landed on Tann. A spy probe left behind ensures that Arribachea does not just line his own pockets, just like his predecessor, once Bull has left…

Well, this was a rousing start to the next trilogy of issues. It was nice to see that Bull's modified cell activator actually has pulls some consequences with it. It will be interesting to see what happens when he finally comes face-to-face with ES and ES realizes Bull's activator is now Chaotically aligned. And the sexual tension between Bull and Toio is growing. Will he fall to her wiles and he be able to turn her to the LFT side? Time shall tell. :>
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

The Way to Wanderer

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The Way to Wanderer
Der Weg nach Wanderer
By Micheal Marcus Thurner

Quick Silver negotiates conditions for a passage to Wanderer with Omwayd, the not particularly friendly commander of the Apukamuy trading ship RYTRALL. Time is of the essence, as a hunter of the Defensive Protocol of the City of All Places called Toidha Zyonaro and his squad from the Yothoy people have already crossed the Tanns Breviatur. Reginald Bull and Toio Zindher realize too late that they have been ripped off. As a reward for the search for the artificial world of the superintelligence ES, Quicksilver has sold the Tefroder to the Apukamuy. Several hundred Laameres have already been taken on board as slaves. Bull can't do anything about all of this for now and has to reluctantly submit.

After a two-week journey, the RYTRALL reached Wanderer on March 25, 1517 NGE. Bull and Zindher can't wait to leave the completely dirty and chaotic Apukamuy ship behind. Quick Silver explains that the negotiated price will not be paid. A bomb that he placed in a feces pit, in which Omwayd's females continuously produce offspring, acts as a way to apply pressure. The Apukamuy would also settle for a cell activator, while Quick Silver is interested in the physiotron. But there is another problem. Homunk, who greets the newcomers in a friendly - but visibly confused - manner and comes on board, refuses Bull entrance because of the "reversed" cell activator. The chip must be removed and left on the RYTRALL. As colllateral, Bull and his companions take Omwayd's rebellious son Ossoyr with them.

While Homunk leads his guests through the strangely changing landscapes of Wanderer and the recently rampantly growing machine town of Ambur-Karbush, the Yothoys also arrive at Wanderer. They use a powerful biomechanical computer which is called a " BRAIN" that is housed in what they call a mini-Kog. Toidha Zyonaro squeezes everything worth knowing out of Omwayd and prepares to land on Wanderer. There Bull and his companions have since learned that ES is still suffering from the TALIN split-off and is unable to act. Homunk is temporarily blind due to the confusion of the superintelligence. It will take a long time for the mental wounds to heal. Atlan is indispensable for this reason. The Arkonide is sticking to the subklusiven regions under the surface. Bull and his companions are the first people to enter this area. Their guide is Suzan Betty Rhodan, who had become part of ES and has now become physical again for now. However, Perry Rhodan's first daughter doesn't seem to be quite herself.

Then the Yothoys attack. BRAIN - in truth the consciousness content in a space sphere that comes from the possession of a Chaotarch - wants to destroy Wanderer and therefore even opposes Toidha Zyonaro. Since ES cannot intervene, it is up to Bull and his companions to repel the attack.

Homunk informs Atlan of Bull's arrival. The Arkonide should explain to the Terran what dilemma awaits him. Atlan should tell Bull that he has to kill Suzan Betty Rhodan...

Finally, the reappearance of Atlan. This should be fun. Why would one particular piece of ES need killing? What could that accomplish? THehunt for Bull and Quicksilver is plenty of fun and it's good the Yothoys didn't seem to get hold of Bull's activator chip. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2779 Shadow Play of Eternity

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Shadow play of eternity
Schattenspiel der Ewigkeit
By Michael Marcus Thurner

Quick Silver grabs Ossoyr and enters the Yothoy ship by pretending to deliver the Apukamuy hostage. BRAIN considers itself invincible but is actually weak and cannot defend itself when Quick Silver starts its decay from within. Toidha Zyonaro and his hunting party aims at Wanderer on destruction but is distracted and led astray by ES consciousness splinters.

Meanwhile, Reginald Bull and his companions are led to Atlan. The Arkonide "heals" damaged parts of superintelligence that have virtually lost themselves by transferring memories fed into him by ES into his photographic memory. He has been doing this for decades, and it may take centuries for this task to be completed. Also Suzan Betty Rhodan is one of the awareness splinters fallen into danger. Bull faces a dilemma. If he succeeds in convincing Atlan to leave the disk world, it is tantamount to Suzan's final ending. Atlan's dedication to his task begins to falter when he realizes that Homunk has kept him ignorant all these years. The Arkonide had no idea of the difficulties the Milky Way had been in for years.

Atlan, Bull and Toio Zindher learned that Ernst Ellert once traveled as an emissary of ES to the bailiffs of the Lands of Thez - as did many other emissaries of positive and negative superintelligences. The bailiffs, the rulers of the lands, intended to find the legendary First Super Intelligence and wanted to create a timeless place for this purpose: an Atopy. Ellert had declined participation by ES in this project. Perhaps that was when the Atopic Tribunal was created. However, the truthfulness of this information is uncertain, because Ellert's memories of the conversation were largely erased when he left the Thez Lands.

Bull also lost too much time in reliving this event. The 62 hour period is almost over. Only a cell shower can save him, but the Yothoys now besiege the Physiotron. Now finally ES is fighting back. Confused consciousness fragments attack Toidha Zyonaro, who then turns against his own people and eventually is dissolved into nothing by the fragments. The other hunters surrender. Homunk does not particularly care, but Atlan demands that Bull and Ossoyr (who was badly injured in the fighting) be allowed to use the physiotron. ES in turn insists that Toio Zindher also receives a cell shower. As it turns out, ES itself wants Atlan to go with Bull. Suzan doesn't mind either. Before she passes away, she informs Toio that Mory Rhodan-Abro, Perry Rhodan's second wife, died for good during the ES/TALIN division process. Bull later decides not to tell Rhodan about this. Suzan also says that the SOL mission has failed and that Michael Rhodan needs his father's help.

They return to the RYTRALL. Ossoyr, who has learned a lot from Wanderer, impresses his father so much that Omwayd doesn't bother Bull anymore. Atlan reinserts the cell activator for his friend. With Tann as a stopover, the journey continues to Pha Gashapar, where Atlan is greeted with exuberant enthusiasm due to his Knight's aura. Atlan uses his authority as Knight of the Deep to achieve Quick Silver's rehabilitation. Toio Zindher asks for asylum in the City of All Places. This will only be considered if she first cooperates with Quick Silver (who will soon receive new orders) for a while and if he then votes for her. For now Toio returns with Bull and Atlan to Sigolat. The EDMOND PONTONAC is waiting for them in orbit.

Wow! Now, that is what I call a climax! Bravo to Michael Marcus Thurner for turning in a great trilogy. Atlan finally returns to the stage, Perry loses another child (and isn't around for it) and ES is deep trouble. This was the best section in the cycle so far. And now I can't wait to see what happens next between Bull and Toio. Unfortunately that will have to wait for a while. Next stop Halut!
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2780 Halut's Way

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Halut’s Way
Haluts Weg
By Dirk Schulz

The Care Group is a Tefrodic secret organization dedicated to realizing Vetris-Molaud's vision of a Tefroder-dominated two-galaxy empire – but using more radical means than the Maghan. Peliste Vonenc, commander of the research ship SHAPARY, and Matos Mashuu, commander of the military spaceship FALANER, initiate an action to remove one of many obstacles to Vetris-Molaud's path to absolute power: the Haluters.

In the guise of a Mehandor named Scertanter, USO Lord Admiral Monkey travels to Halut in April 1517 NGE. He cooperates there with Blo Rakane and his child Ova to set in motion the production of Libro drones with which the Onryonic linear space torpedoes can be effectively combated. The Halut underground caverns are better suited for this purpose than the previous production facilities, because they are too closely monitored. Halut, on the other hand, is also protected by the Shorial hyperstorm region.

Monkey has an agent on Halut, the Ferrone woman Tevermon, a technology specialist on the team of Nexonian Halutologist Yason Khan. Her Tefroder colleague, Knowledge Master Gidys Rykamoon, has developed the theory that Humidors still live in Halut's caves, which have been inaccessible since the attack of the Lightning ships. To close gaps in Halutian historiography, the researchers want to penetrate these areas with the approval of the aged archivist Stocho Henitis. For this purpose, Rykamoon requested the Akone Watrim Zaphis to come to Halut. The Akone has developed a search-and-call transmitter system, with which it should be possible to track down old transmitter stations and activate them remotely. Tevermon finds that there is something strange about the computer programs used, but it may just be a case of industrial espionage.

The arrival of an Onryonic convoy is reported. Shekval Genneryc appears with a large number of battleships to install an Ordic Stele on Halut. He lacks any diplomatic sensitivity and the courtesy that is so important when dealing with Haluters. Blo Rakane speaks as a Lawyer for All, for his entire people, and verbally rejects Genneryc's requests, which of course should lead to nothing other than the suppression of the Haluters. When, as expected, the Onryone threatens to destroy Halut, Rakane tells him that the Haluter are by no means attached to their home world. Each and every one of them has a spaceship ready for launch at any time and would rather look for another home than give up his freedom. With the roaring laughter of the Haluter, the Onryones have to leave, but the final word has not yet been spoken on this matter.

Meanwhile, the SHAPARY is investigating the Shorial hyperstorm area. Peliste Vonenc herself initiates the destruction of her ship. The FALANER appears "by coincidence" to save the survivors. However, the fact that the number of fatalities can be kept relatively low is thanks to three young Haluters who were traveling nearby in the urge wash, in order to let off steam. They now have the best opportunity to do this. Regardless of their own well-being, they plunge again and again into the shattering Tefrodic spaceship and liberate the trapped people there. The Halutians are wounded, but one of them carries a dead woman out of the wreckage, as if it were his own child, to enable the Tefroder to be properly buried. When Vonenc sees this, her image of the Halutian Beasts, which must be exterminated at all costs, begins to falter. This does not stay hidden to Mashuu. After confronting her, he shoots Vonenc from behind. Then he receives two prototypes of a new weapon via transmitter, which are based on further-developed Terran SHIVA hyperspace rip bombs, SHIVA’S FIST to destroy Halut ...

Woo hoo! I'm loving this team-up between Monkey and Blo Rakane. I have say that this half of the cycle is really top notch for me. Loads of action and interesting pairings of characters are keeping things fresh.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2781 Shiva's Fist

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Shiva’s Fist
By Michelle Stern

The search and call transmitter works; An old archway transmitter in Isolon, those caverns that have not been visited by anyone since the Lightning ship attack, is remotely activated. Yason Khan, Gidys Rykamoon and Stocho Henitis go through the transmitter. Khan's colleague Tevermon, Watrim Zaphis and his assistant Jergo Dahir accompany the researchers. As hoped, they encounter Humidors that have survived in Isolon and had no contact with the upper world for centuries. The humanoid beings are bigger than their ancestors. They only remember fragments of the past, but they have preserved their culture and are still maintaining the old-school machinery in the caverns. Grand Keeper Ziccturiu warmly greets the strangers. Then other visitors appear. It's Ova Rakane and Monkey. Both masked themselves and previously searched Zaphis' spaceship PSARON in secret. They came across armed Tefroders, who are certainly not up to any good. Monkey, Rakane and the USO Specialist Tevermon as well as the two Akones remain with the transmitter. Khan, Rykamoon and Henitis let Ziccturiu take them deeper into the cave world. There they are shown Baru, a dead Kenutar. The Humidors owe their survival to the 40 meter long worm. During the Lightning ship attack, Baru ate deeper and deeper into the planet's crust so that the Humidors could follow.

Meanwhile, the shooting of a SHIVA hyperspace rupture bomb is being prepared in the FALANER. This weapon system can open a structural crack through which the entire planet Halut is to be torn into a higher-level continuum and thus destroyed. The second bomb is sent to Isolon via the seek-and-call transmitter in the event that the first fails. It is to be detonated by Zaphis and Dahir (who make common cause with the Tefroders, but have no idea of the existence of the first bomb). A VFRRATA- led Tefroder battle group appears near the FALANER and immediately goes on the attack. Vetris-Molaud has received a message from Peliste Vonenc and is fully aware of the group's plan. He cannot allow his authority to be undermined in this way and to give the impression that he can only control his empire with the help of extremists. The Maghan orders the destruction of the FALANER and initiates the shooting down of the SHIVA bomb that has already been launched. At the same time he sends the Teleporter Balgen Orgudd and the Positronic Reader Dienbacer to Isolon. Shekval Genneryc comes forward and expresses his surprise about the events. Vetris-Molaud appeases the Onryones and promises to take care of the Haluters personally.

Monkey, Tevermon and Ova Rakane are attacked by the Tefroders who bring the backup bomb to Isolon. The Haluter is seriously wounded, because he does not have the capability of structural hardening. The Humidor Cha helps them to escape. After Rakane is taken care of, the Tefroders are rendered harmless. Dienbacer tries to persuade the bomb not to explode. SHIVA’S FIST is unreasonable. The mutant succeeds together with Monkey finally, in destroying the detonator. Monkey lets Dienbacer and Orgudd leave afterwards. Thus, Vetris-Molaud can turn the terrorist attack into a victory for himself. Since he saved Halut, the Haluters are indebted to him. Monkey and Blo Rakane are well aware of this problem. Still, the Lord Admiral receives permission to begin the production of Libro drones in Isolon. The Humidors will help. And they are looking forward to visiting the upper world.


So we're finally moving ahead with the weapons against the Atopic Ordo's special attack method. And we get more action from Monkey. Sooner or later, though, Vetris-Molaud needs to get his comeuppance. What can I say, I love this cycle! I can't wait for what comes next.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2782 Duel On Everblack

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Duel On Everblack
Duell auf Everblack
By Susan Schwartz

The KRUSENSTERN sits firmly on Everblack. Stealth exploration teams try to find out what is actually going on in the dark world. The VOHRATA has flown off again. The 770-meter spaceships BOPHON and TYAMANIS remained at Everblack so the course of infection of all Posbis with Balpirol protein conductors can be monitored. Commander-in-chief of the Tefroders is Cascant-Bassyn. Tetoon is still trapped in the KRUSENSTERN. Marian Yonder tries to convince him that he is sick. Although doubts arise in the Posbi, he secretly contacts an ancient, almost inoperative Posbi from the Old Oblast and with his help commits suicide. Posbi paranoia has now progressed to such an extent that the sufferers interfere with one another in their hectic activities. On March 18, 1517 NGE, a devastating explosion occurred in a sector in which a Terran squad was traveling. Viccor Bughassidow personally checks that everyone there is dead. He is accompanied by Jatin, Peo Tatsanor and some Posbis from the Old Oblast. One of them is Zorun, called "The Fortress", a so-called sub-Posbi without a plasma component. There is nothing left of the reconnaissance team, but an Everblack Posbi survived the explosion, severely damaged. Before he finally gives up the ghost, Madame Counselor reads out his memory. It turns out that the explosion occurred due to the hasty work on a so-called Libration zone glare screen.

The Terrans already knew that Everblack had set itself up to produce weapons that were specifically intended to be used against living things. In addition to the screens, the Posbis are also constructing ÜBSEF disruptors, HV inverters and Selphyr-Fataro catapults. It becomes clear to the Terrans that the situation is threatening to get out of control and that Teforders are only using Everblack as a test site for the Posbi disease. The effects of this may soon be irreversible. Bughassidow assumes that the Tefroders must have an antidote. Tatsanor offers to help him find it. To do this, his para-gifts must be heightened through Glass frost - and he has just overcome the addiction to this drug. Jatin receives the order to develop a Glass frost variant without addictive ingredients. The time comes on May 2nd. Madame Ratgeber, inside of whom Peo Tatsanor is hiding, receives an appointment with Cascant-Bassyn. After a bluff, through which she learns at the same time that the weapons manufactured by the Posbis were originally intended to be used against the Onryones, Madame Ratgeber lures more information from the Tefroder. He knows nothing about an antidote, but he knows the person who created the Balpirol protein conductors. His name is Monanjo Shatabad and as suggested by Tatsanor he is summoned, but already arrives on May 15th with the spaceship OVASAPIAN VII commanded by Dhamor-Joesse. It is obvious that he was already on his way to Everblack. Dienbacer is also on board.

Shatabad is an Eyleshion. He is fascinated by the events on Everblack. Dienbacer is asked to read the minds of the infected Posbis. The Tefroder mutant senses the presence of another Para-gifted being. Tatsanor takes more and more Glass frost II and manipulates Dienbacer, but encounters unexpectedly violent mental resistance. The Anti cannot prevent the Tefroder from building a para-detector with the Posbis’ help with which Tatsanor could be tracked down. Madame Ratgeber and several other Posbis, including Zorun, are tasked to sabotage the building. Zorun sacrifices himself and causes an explosion that is more violent than expected. At the same time, Bughassidow, Jatin and Tatsanor penetrate the OVASAPIAN VII to search for the antidote for the Posbi paranoia on the computer network. Data on the disease, as well as the coordinates of Shatabad's homeworld, the dark world Eyyo, are found in an ancient Cheborner ship that is in a hangar of the Tefroder spherical ship. Tatsanor gets into a frenzy of power. He annihilates the Cheborner ship and tries to subdue Dienbacer completely. He fails and is killed.

Chaos breaks out. The KRUSENSTERN narrowly flees to Alpha Sheredado. This is another dark world of the Posbis. Bughassidow passes on the knowledge gained on Everblack. The Posbis immediately prepare the isolation of Everblack. The KRUSENSTERN decides to head to Eyyo.

This was a nice change of pace, a single issue story. As a result, the LFT can hopefully start getting a grip on the Posbi infection. I'm sorry that Peo Tatsanor died. Yes, he was scum, but he was interesting scum. :D I do hope that Perry starts building back up his Mutant Corps because it doesn't look like the Tefroders are going to stop fielding mutants themselves any time soon.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2783 Savior of the Larens

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Savior of the Larens
Retter der Laren
By Hubert Haensel

The Black Bacctou still thinks it is the real Perry Rhodan. Even Gucky initially has difficulty distinguishing the original from the copy, because the "core essence" in Bacctou's consciousness regresses. Then the Ilt realizes that Bacctou is still changing. Moreover Gucky can espert that Bacctou remembers something the real Rhodan cannot have experienced. Bacctou picked up a rumor a few days before Rhodan's arrival in the CHEMMA DHURGA, according to which a relic of the Ur-Laren was found in the ship of the Atope Saeqaer, a legacy of the First Laren civilization. Because of Rhodan's arrival, Bacctou could not pursue this matter any further.

On March 28, 1517 NGE, the EDMOND PONTONAC returns to the RAS TSCHUBAI. Reginald Bull's mission was a success. Perry Rhodan can't get rid of the feeling that something is being concealed from him - at first he doesn't find out about the final death of his daughter Suzan, who went into ES. Since a suitable candidate for controlling a Judge’s ship could be found in Atlan, the conquest of the CHEMMA DHURGA is now to be planned. It is clear to everyone that a second surprise attack would not succeed. The Terrans need allies. In Rhodan's opinion, only the Proto-Hetostes come into consideration here. Rhodan did not part with Avestry-Pasik in friendship and it is not known where the head of the Laren rebels is. However, while listening to the radio traffic, ANANSI comes across the news that some Proto-Hetostes have been trapped by the Atopic Tribunal and are about to appear on a world called Fifty Thousand, the fourth planet of the Pravenio system on the edge of the Provconer subdomain, before a court of Ordic Stelae should be asked to judge them. Rhodan plans to liberate the Proto-Hetostes in order to use them to establish contact with Avestry-Pasik.

First of all, Rhodan brings himself up to date on Bostich. The Arkonide ex-Imperator wants more say and should participate in the mission on Fifty Thousand. Because of his physical changes, he could become a security risk. The medics at least give the all-clear. A kind of second nervous system with micro-brains is developing in the Arkonide's body (he sometimes hears voices that cannot be assigned to the extra sense), but the cell activator does not interpret this as harmful. Bostich also has especially lucid moments. Then all his senses are sharpened, and everything runs for him as if in slow motion.

When the RAS TSCHUABI arrives on April 12 near the Pravenio system and hides in the tracking protection of the sun they name Lonely Star, they decide to use the Crane developed by the Kelosker, which has been improved in collaboration with Sichu Dorksteiger’s team. The Kelosker also developed locator tags that are tuned to Laren body vibrations. Whoever bears such a synthetic quartz crystal so-called direction indicator can be located from up to two light hours away by the Crane and transported by it. Rhodan takes one hundred pieces with him when he heads to Five Thousand on a heavy cruiser. He and his companions, including Gucky, use the mimicry suites of their SERUNs and turn into Ningen. These black-skinned humanoids with compound eyes and a breathing organ on the chest are the indigenous people of the Pravenio system. There is a party atmosphere on Fifty Thousand. Even if not all Larens speak well of Onryones, the status quo in Larhatoon is quite bearable. Nobody has any objection to the conviction of Proto-Hetoste terrorists who disturb this peace. Countless onlookers want to attend the public trial. Pucky has to use a telekinetic trick to get tickets for the crossing to Tshoctar Island.

Tshoctar is the location of the five Ordic stelae. The fifty-two Proto-Hetostes are held there. Pucky notes that some of the rebels are very difficult to detect telepathically. In addition, Bostich and the mousebeaver notice that these Larens repeatedly experience moments of absolute synchronicity. The team enters the prison. There Rhodan listens to a song in which the Hetork Rehaan is mentioned. According to Than-Deneec, this ancient term has mythical meaning. The Hetork Rehaan is a savior or protector and therefore the opposite of the Hetork Tesser. On the eve of the trial, Rhodan speaks secretly to two prisoners identified by Pucky as the leaders. Rhodan's interlocutor is Nonon-Kior, an unusually tall, gaunt Laren with very light hair and a face tattoo in the form of a snake. The Terran identifies himself as the Hetork Tesser. Nonon-Kior remains skeptical, although he has heard of him, but accepts the location locators offered by Rhodan. However, according to Nonon-Kior's request, these should only be activated after the stelae have declared their sentence.

The trial will take place on April 16. The accused are given permission to comment on the allegations made against them. Anntet-Taak, the second leader, makes a passionate speech. Suddenly, he and eleven other Proto-Hetostes start moving in sync. Lightning bursts from their heads, strikes the stela and annihilates them. At the same time Nonon-Kior gives a sign agreed upon with Rhodan. The location indicators are activated. Only with ANANSI’s help does the Kelosker succeed in transporting the Larens into the RAS TSCHUBAI, because a hyperenergetic chaos rages on Fifty Thousand. Thirty Larens do not survive the transfer, twelve of them only arrive as shapeless lumps of tissue. The Crane cannot remove them from the ship because they are "smeared" hyper-energetically. There is an alarm condition in the Pravenio system. Rhodan's cruiser launches illegally. The Laren do not fire the ship when Rhodan claims that the Hetork Rehaan is on board. When an Onryonic ship arrives, the cruiser is already safe.

Rhodan confronts Nonon-Kior. The Laren admits that the whole action was a suicide command directed against the Ordic Stelae. He does not reveal how Anntet-Taak and the eleven other assassins were prepared for it. Following a message from Nonon-Kiors, the RAS TSCHUBAI flies to the Sevv system on the edge of the Lajuures subdomain, where it arrives on May 10th. Avestry-Pasik is on Sevcora-Collnyz, the only planet. Rhodan and Bostich are given permission to land on the planet. Gucky had previously spoken that something would be created there that was to become a beacon. Now Rhodan and Bostich learn that there is a Counterfactual Museum being built on Sevcora-Collnyzis. It is intended to show how the fate of Larhatoon would have developed if the First Laren civilization had not perished. That is lucky for Rhodan, because that's the lever he can use to get Avestry-Pasik to work with him. For, on the CHEMMA DHURGA, which Rhodan wants to conquer with the help of the Proto-Hetostes, there is a relic of that very civilization. Avestry-Pasik reluctantly assures his cooperation. Bostich warns Rhodan. He is said to have learned from his inner voices that the Proto-Hetostes have betrayal in mind. Rhodan is not surprised…

My goodness, there were many turnarounds in this issue. Bully is not happy with Perry siding with Bostich, Avestry-Pasik is not happy working with the Hetork Tesser, and the rebels are doing suicide missions. Not much happiness is going on this issue. At least Gucky seems to be getting control of his stolen powers. Now, I guess, it's time to start the heist of the Judge's ship. We'll see how that goes...
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2784 Attack Target CHEMMA DHURGA

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Angriffsziel CHEMMA DHURGA
By Leo Lukas

To conquer the CHEMMA DHURGA, Perry Rhodan and his companions develop a multi-stage plan, in which the twelve dead Proto-Hetostes should also play a role. It was found that a ÜBSEF equivalent of the Ordic stelae has merged with the Larens. Gucky says it wanted to save the assassins. Together with the hyperphysical "smearing" of the corpses, says Rhodan, this would be a suitable bait for Saeqaer, who is known to be happy to save shipwrecked people. The twelve dead are brought in the heavy cruiser ECELLU, which has already been disguised as a spaceship of the Ningen for use at the planet 50,000 and is now being converted so that it resembles a wreck but is still operational. Two TARA-XT - fighting robots are hidden in a decentralized state in the cruiser. The Vectorion is to be used to search for the Atopic ship. Rhodan assumes that the Vectorion will not only show the way to the original home of the Larens, but also the direction in which the artifact from this world, stored in the CHEMMA DHURGA, is located.

However, the Crane, which was further perfected by Gholdorodyn, is of crucial importance. Perry Rhodan's intervention team will not be on board the ECELLU, but should be put with the fictiv transmitter directly into Globe One of the Judge’s ship, because it is impossible to get past the angels of the Bevel. Gholdorodyn has designed a new accessory: the Paukhestral. This as a pot with a wall of modulated Mivelum - Hyper crystal shaped unit serves as a measuring device and 6D high-performance computer. It is carried out paramechanically with the consciousness of a Kelosker connected. A little bit of ANANSI’s substance is needed to perfect the device. After a short hesitation, the computer provides the required amount from its backup pool. Avestry-Pasik, whose 75-meter dinghy VERNYS-VERC will be housed in a shielded ring bulge hangar of the RAS TSCHUBAI, is to take part in the caper test. In negotiations with the leader of the Proto-Hetostes, Nonon-Kior developed into an intermediary.

After all preparations have been completed, the RAS TSCHUBAI will fly to the planet Kaidhan on May 14, 1517 NGE. As expected, the CHEMMA DHURGA is no longer there, but, as the Vectorion indicates, in the Terrmenott sector a few dozen light years away. The ECELLU is ejected. As hoped, the CHEMMA DHURGA takes on the supposed castaway. The "wreck" is brought inside Globe Two. There Struugh and his student Woo Pi Ta Äl-Khen from the Atreoponten people take care of the new arrivals. Atreoponts are large, empathetic snake creatures. Long ago, they were asked by Saeqaer to examine all of the new shipwrecked people and make recommendations on how to proceed with them. Meanwhile, Perry Rhodan, Atlan, Gholdorodyn, Sichu Dorksteiger, Gucky and Avestry-Pasik, together with the Crane, are transferred to the other globe. The transfer does not take place in zero time; instead the passengers are stuck in an indefinable environment, can hardly move and are subject to an influence that makes all non- cell activator carriers lose consciousness. Only Atlan finally sees something like a path and can lead his companions to their destination.

There they suddenly find themselves facing a strange creature that looks like a mixture of tree and octopus. Numerous pyramid-shaped combat robots also arrive. Atlan reveals himself and announces his wish to act as a pilot of the Judge’s ship. His Knight's aura does not go unnoticed. The alien is ready to lead the Arkonide to the control center. Atlan and his companions have no idea that the strange creature is the White Bacctou and is in constant contact with Saeqaer. The Judge and her unborn child think that Atlan could be a gift that the CHEMMA DHURGA was already expecting...

I was expecting more action and less setup here, but I guess that's how it goes. :> Hopefully with all the explanatory material over, we'll get to more fun stuff next issue.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2785 The Knight and the Judge

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The Knight and the Judge
Der Ritter und die Richterin
by Leo Lukas

Atlan and his companions are admitted to the control center of the CHEMMA DHURGA. The Knight of the Deep even gets permission to try his luck as a pilot on the Judge’s ship, but is warned by the White Bacctou. To control the spaceship a Mental key is required which Atlan does not have. Atlan immediately has problems when he ignores the warning, and the ship itself gets into trouble. Then Pend 109 appears. He announced that the ship already had a pilot, namely Saeqaer. Not interested in tearing his adopted home apart, Pend places Atlan for a few moments in a parallel universe where the Arkonide can actually take control of the Judge’s ship. In this way the danger is averted. Pend disappears, but Saeqaer then appears. Atlan asks for free escort out. In return, he promises to leave the CHEMMA DHURGA alone. Saeqaer grants the intruders one day's notice. If they have not withdrawn, the CHEMMA DHURGA will fight them. Perry Rhodan, Sichu Dorksteiger, Gucky, Avestry-Pasik and Gholdorodyn put themselves in the second globe with the crane.

Atlan doesn't get away so easily; he has to make himself available to the Judge for a chat. Saeqaer is fascinated by the last Knight of the Deep and the affection is mutual. The two tell their life stories. Atlan learns more about the Infinitum. In the distant future, after several chrono-architectural interventions, Larhatoon has its own solid space-time, isolated from the rest of the universe, and is encased in an impenetrable wall. There is peace in the Infinitum, where all cosmic puzzles are solved. In 70 billion years, Saeqaer will be found in a coffin that falls from a crack in the space-time continuum. The supposedly dead person is an achronal person. She comes to life and is therefore given a name that means "hope beyond death" and is getting younger and younger. At some point, she realizes that she is pregnant and can make mental contact with the unborn child, who is her own mother. One day Thez's orders come to Saeqaer. She goes to the Lands Beyond Time and returns as an Atopic Judge, equipped with the CHEMMA DHURGA. However, she is not sent back to the Infinitum, but ends up in the past, where, together with the Crystalline Judge, she prevents Larhatoon's downfall and triggers the events that will one day lead to Larhatoon becoming an Infinitum.

Avestry-Pasik separates from Rhodan's group to search for the artifact of the first Laren civilization on his own. The others must find that their Trojan horse (the ECELLU ) has come under foreign influence and is trying to crash into the Bevel. The Atreoponts Struugh and Pi Ta Äl-Khen are inside the heavy cruiser to clarify what the source of the 6D radiation so interesting for Saeqaer is. They did not notice that the "traveling people" seized the alleged wreck. These vagabonds, who come from different races, have been doing mischief in the CHEMMA DHURGA for some time. They were taken over by an infiltrated parasitic collective being and have taken control of the ECELLU at its instigation. As the cruiser approaches the Bevel, the Veszi become active. With their Para skills they destroy the TARA-XT - combat robot and bring the ECELLU to crash. The Atreopons flee (Pucky telekinetically helps them land gently), but Struugh is badly wounded and dies some time later. Pi Ta Äl-Khen receives permission from Saeqaer to work together with the Galactics to recover the source of the 6D radiation, but the Judge does not intervene herself - she may not have the Veszi completely under control.

Avestry-Pasik takes captive a member of the Traveling People, who is left at the original ECELLU landing site, and uses him to find the artifact. It is a miniaturized rib that fits the finger bone in the Vectorion. Meanwhile, the psycho game between Atlan and Saeqaer goes into the next round. The Arkonide has gained enough knowledge from his recent experiences to venture a bluff. This is how he learns that the CHEMMA DHURGA is equipped with a special drive system: The Trans-Chronal driver enables it to use the Sychrony to reach any time. Saeqaer has already indicated that she longs for the Infinitum. Through the conversation with Atlan, she comes to the decision to return there with the CHEMMA DHURGA. Rhodan's people have no chance against the Veszi. It is only thanks to the corpses of the proto-Hetostes (or whatever has nested in them) that they survive. Once removed from the cruiser, the remains of the dead proto- Hetostes create an energetic tunnel in which the group is safe. The Veszi destroy the ECELLU and then retreat into the Bevel. With this deed the energy of the ÜBSEF equivalent transferred from the Ordinary Stelae to the Proto-Hetostes is exhausted, and it dies.

Back in the RAS TSCHUBAI, a summary is drawn. During his stay in the parallel universe, Atlan experienced the mental key (a complex concept). ANANSI copies the key from Atlan's consciousness using the SEMT process. Since there is nothing to get in Larhatoon - Saeqaer has disappeared with the CHEMMA DHURGA as announced and the Crystalline Judge does not have its own spaceship - the return to the Milky Way is being prepared. Gholdorodyn and Eldhoverd will join the trip. It is now clear that the pilot of the Judge’s ship, i.e. the Judge himself, must not be on board if the ship is to be taken over by Atlan. Atlan still has something else to report. During the delayed crane transfer, the fragment of a buried memory has awakened in him. He now knows again that he was once in the Transcosmic Territory. This is possibly another name for the place beyond the Matter Sources. Atlan thinks he must return there one day...

So, another mission that turned out to be mostly a dead end. Still, it was fun and at least a few things were in fact learned. I am wondering what role Black Battou will have, now that his Judge has left this time. I'm glad that it looks as if we'll find out next issue. And what happened to Pi Ta Äl-Khen, once the team left the CRADLE OF LOVE? He didn't really seem prepared to take off for Struugh yet.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2786 The Real Rhodan

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The Real Rhodan
Der wahre Rhodan
By Uwe Anton

Avestry-Pasik, Nonon-Kior and the crew of the VERNYS-VERC are expected to join the RAS TSCHUBAI on its flight home. They should research the past of their people because it is now clear that there must be an ancient connection between Larhatoon and the Milky Way. On May 17, 1517 NGE, an incident occurred in the Habitat Ogygia. Nonon-Kior meets the Black Bacctou, whom he thinks is Perry Rhodan, and is present as a quarrel between a Terran and a Laren threatens to escalate. “Rhodan” intervenes and ends up in danger himself. A TARA-IX-INSIDE separates the brawlers and lifts “Rhodan” up, but then its locating head explodes. Security forces detain those present. Bacctou is injured and is taken to a medostation.

TARA Master Bannatyne Campbell realizes that the robot was manipulated. It quickly becomes clear that the Larens have nothing to do with the incident, but they no longer trust them. Rhodan and Avestry-Pasik therefore agree to exchange the crew of the VERNYS-VERC with other Larens. Nonon-Kior is assigned to join Reginald Bull’s expedition. The Terran as well as Icho Tolot, Toio Zindher and Quick Silver are to leave with the FANCAN TEIK II to stay in Larhatoon. They should probe to see if the Laren government is willing to cooperate against the Atopic Tribunal. Nonon-Kior is ordered to negotiate with the first Hetran Aipanu-Cel on behalf of the Proto-Hetostes. The heavy cruiser is equipped with two additional Hawk converters, so that it now has a range of 240,000 light years. A return to the Milky Way would only be possible via the Star Portal Bridge.

And exactly that - especially the BYONECC portal - is the next target of the RAS TSCHUBAI. If the transmitter route were to be paralyzed, the Atopic Tribunal in the Milky Way would be cut off from supplies from Larhatoon. Rhodan wants to protect the crews and residents of the star portals and therefore not destroy the space stations. He is keen to eventually win the Aiunkko as an ally. Sichu Dorksteiger develops hyperspace dissonance effectors, with which the aggregates of the star portals working on a five-dimensional basis can be disrupted so fundamentally that transport is no longer possible. The effect is reversible. The HyD effectors are autonomous and mobile robotic units that camouflage themselves and can travel as disguised passengers in spaceships to the neighboring portals in order to operate independently there. However, the effectors on site have to be adapted to the technical standards of the portal. They are then to be set in motion by a psionic impulse from Gucky.

On May 29, the RAS TSCHUBAI approaches the BYONECC portal. Rhodan, Sichu Dorksteiger, Gucky, Benner and Gholdorodyn penetrate the station with the Crane. They can read the required data without any problems, but then are attacked and captured by a superior force. In fact, they were already expected. Noom Coyforrod, the Onryonian commander of the BYONECC, became suspicious days ago of the strange behavior of his Genifer and former partner Payaye Tym. He secretly follows her to a meeting with a Toloceste and a Suolsonaro named Moazion Ansuolat. The Suolsonari - insectoids with a pear-shaped body, wedge-shaped head and six extremities - are the builders and true owners of the star portals. Most have withdrawn, only a few like Moazion Ansuolat have remained in the portals. He is over 400 years old, and at this age Suolsonari sometimes develop the ability of precognition. Moazion Ansuolat has this gift and has warned the Onryones against an attack from within. His people locate the cell activators. Since the devices are considered possible weapons, they should be removed.

Meanwhile, Black Bacctou is recovering faster than expected. He goes through a development spurt and then has superhuman powers. In addition, he can now remember his past. He had manipulated the TARA himself. He stuns the chief physician Matho Thoveno and goes to Eldhoverd, who should give him the Crane so that he can free Rhodan's group. Since Bacctou was under surveillance, he can be detained again. He manages to get Jawna Togoya to approve his plan and provide him with some combat robots. Black Bacctou rushes with the Crane to help Rhodan. He takes an extremely serious wound to allow the Galactics to escape and commission the HyD effectors. Ultimately, all of this only works because the opposing robots suddenly stop all combat operations. Noom Coyforrod has ordered this because Moazion Ansuolat has claimed that this is the only way to save the portals in the long run - but not for the Atopic Tribunal, but for their rightful owners.

Back in the RAS TSCHUBAI, Rhodan has to watch helplessly how Bacctou transforms back into the inanimate stone. Just before the creature becomes like a black chess piece again, he asks Rhodan to look for the place where he was made. The Bacctourat, has an old "simulative" culture, and in this case worked together with Saeqaer to create a better, more ideal Rhodan. This should have served as a guiding principle for the Terrans during the five hundred years of captivity of the original and allow them to emancipate themselves from the real Rhodan. When Bacctou dies, Pucky claims that his spirit has not gone out, but has become a sheer light. Matho Thoveno would like to dissect Bacctou, but Perry Rhodan refuses. Bacctou receives a space burial.

This was bit of a strange issue. I still don't understand why Noom Coyforrod agreed to do as Moazion Ansuolat wished, if it wasn't going to help the Atopic Ordo. And I don't understand the editorial team's purpose in the Black Bacctou, if it's story is really completed at this point. Maybe it isn't. I also do wish they had actually written the portal getting blocked and not have it happen offstage.

I enjoyed the rest of the issue. Uwe knows how to write action. :D
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2786 The Labyrinth of the Dead Gods

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

On June 20, 1517 NGE RAS Tschubai reaches the space sector of the Imart coalition in the Milky Way after a more or less trouble-free Hyper Trans flight. When ANANSI makes radio contact with Cai Cheung, the Solar Premier is so amazed to see Perry Rhodan’s Holo in front of her during training that she promptly falls off the treadmill. After they have informed each other about the latest findings and current events, the next step is planned. Rhodan wants to get to the bottom of the old connection between the Milky Way and Larhatoon galaxies. The starting point is the planet Olymp, because it is known that Hotrenor-Taak and a prospector discovered an old Laren station there in 3586 AD. Cai Cheung uses her contacts, notifying the arrival of important guests to the Olymp imperial couple Indrè Capablanca and Martynas Deborin. These arrive masked, but immediately present themselves as Perry Rhodan, Atlan, Gucky, Avestry-Pasik and Aning-Roodh (a Laren scientist) during the audience. Pucky has the beautiful empress scratch his neck, probes her thoughts and classifies them as trustworthy.

The imperial couple has troubling news. An Ordic Stele was installed on their homeworld and with the approval of the Tesqire Yoqort responsible for Olymp, the Tefroder diplomat Gillam Quentacca traveled there for negotiations. In the name of Maghan Vetris-Molaud, he offered Olymp the transition to the New Tamanium. Capablanca and Deborin have been playing for time so far but could imagine accepting the offer in order to act as spies for Rhodan. Rhodan and his companions receive all the support they need. By asking the central positronic PRINCE ROGER II it is found that the Laren station is hidden under the TRAPPER escape center on the banks of the Trap Ocean. It contains various trap systems and was personally sealed by Anson Argyris at the time. Getting started is easy, but it turns out that only Larens have access to the system. Rhodan, Atlan and Pucky are attacked and only left in peace when Aning-Roodh describes them as Laren slaves. The part of the Laren facility located directly below TRAPPER is only a dummy, complete with artificially produced Laren mummies. The entry to the real station is camouflaged with a unique Laren mineral lithophalite. This material makes natural rock impermeable to the scattered radiation behind hidden systems.

Pucky senses the mental presence of the lithophalite. It unintentionally shows him the way to the real station of the Larens. There are Laren robots that were last active 7000 to 8000 years ago, as well as objects that are at least five million years old. The material constantly renews itself, it probably consists of nanogents. The two Larens remember a legend of their people, according to which the First Laren civilization long before the time of the Hetos of the Seven waged a generational (ultimately successful) fight against an enemy of all life and installed spy systems to keep watch. Olymp is possibly such a system. Rhodan finds a picture showing a male and a female Laren who stand in front of a wooden city. Luna can be seen in the sky. The picture is also five million years old. Rhodan takes it when the group has to flee the station. Pucky heard a mental warning call from the Empress, which she sent out with the help of her symbiote Ftempar. Yoqort and the Orryonic cluster commander Pason Passaic have been warned by the Ordic Stele. The stele spoke of an "old wound" that was about to be torn open - this can only mean the Laren station.

Back in the RAS TSCHUBAI, Rhodan and his friends decide that the Judge’s ship CHUVANC must be conquered. Meanwhile, ANANSI decrypts parts of an inscription in the picture. It speaks of the lap of the starry night and an empire of outrage.

My goodness, we get history, an Indiana Jones style adventure and Gucky necks a neck rub from a pretty woman. What more do we need? LOL
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2788 The Three Days of the Manta

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The Three Days of the Manta
Die drei Tage der Manta
by Christian Montillon

Volven Hagadasz, senior investigator of the Gaean Social Guard, and his new partner Philomena are investigating a murder. A senior Tefroder diplomat was found dead in NOVA MESSINA, a space town in orbit of the planet Gäa, located in the Provcon-Fist dark cloud. The case is particularly explosive due to the fact that Vetris-Molaud is expected on Gäa on this day - it is June 29, 1517 NGE. Hagadasz and Philomena are USO Specialists operating undercover. Their boss Monkey intervenes personally in the investigation. He takes the cover identity of a missionary of the Dark Bearer sect called Brother Mo, because he knows that there is a connection between the Dark Bearers (supporters of the Vincran main Goddess Black Manta) and the murder victim. Monkey learned that the Vincranians with their special senses noticed the presence of a large hidden object near Gäa. The Oxtorner assumes that it is the 232-COLPCOR. He asks Perry Rhodan through his deputy, the Cherboparner Linoiyl Lithychiszeroth (LiLith)for support. Rhodan and Atlan fly with Farye Sepheroa on the LAURIN IV to Gäa.

Vetris-Molaud comes to Gäa accompanied by his favorite wife Amyon Kial, not with his flagship VOHRATA, but with the 770-meter SOSFALAM, because his visit is supposed to serve for international understanding. The Maghan announces that he will offer the Provcon Fist residents entry to the New Tamanium. Vetris-Molaud and his entourage, to whom the telepathically talented bodyguard Poord Baucor belongs, reside in the Palazzo Zanklain in the orbital station NOVA-MESSINA. The building was bugged before the Tefroders arrived. With the help of the mosaic visor consisting of tens of thousands of self-sufficient mini-probes and a receptor installed in Monkey's operations center, the USO Specialists can see and hear everything that is going on in Vetris-Molaud's private rooms. Brother Mo takes the Vincraner Terento to task. He is one of the most dazzling followers of the Black Manta. He speaks of a conspiracy against Vetris-Molaud that extends to the Provcon government circles. The Vincran security staff, who are not "readable" by telepaths, are also said to have something to do with it. Teren also warns of the Black Manta - an unknown woman that has taken on the name of the goddess and is pulling the strings in the background.

On June 30, Perry Rhodan meets Aeneas Catinat, who approves the RAS TSCHUBAI's search for the 232-COLPCOR. The Gäaner is a member of the Provincial Triarchy and thus one of three rulers of the Provcon Fist. Catinat An informal meeting with Vetris-Molaud is planned for late evening. In mask, Rhodan accompanies the Gäaner there and witnesses how Vetris-Molaud is critically injured in an assassination attempt. Catinat sustains a less serious injury. Hagadasz confronts one of the Vincranian bodyguards present. The latter admits that the Black Manta followers murdered the Tefrod diplomat because he knew too much. There is a fight. Hagadasz is forced to shoot the man. Shortly after the assassination attempt - July 1st has started - the 232-COLPCOR starts to move. Matan Addaru Jabarim appears in the orbital station and advances to Vetris-Molaud, who has been brought back to SOSFALAM. Spy probes previously deposited by Hagadasz record everything. The Atope turns away wordlessly after touching the Tefroder with the Glivtor.

Based on the images conveyed by the mosaic visor, Monkey realizes what is really behind the attack. Amyon Kial is identical to the Black Manta and the founder of the Care Group. Vetris-Molaud was not wounded, but his doppelganger. Amyon Kial's assassination serves as a pretext for annexing the Provcon Fist. In the name of the New Tamanium, she herself takes over the Provconian Triarchy. Fighting ships of the Care Group fly into the dark cloud. For Rhodan, it is clear that Amyon Kial does not intend to hold the Provcon Fist permanently, but that she only wanted to create facts that are intended to force Vetris-Molaud to take a harder approach overall. Baios Corm, Minister of Due Diligence announced on the same day that the Maghan was of course not interested in disempowering the Triarchones.

Hagadasz shows Poord Baucor video about Amyon Kial's machinations, making it look as if these insights came from the Gaean Social Guard. The real Vetris-Molaud soon learns from Oc Shozdor what his favorite wife has done. She took advantage of a healing phase that he has to endure again and again despite the cell activator due to the consequences of his illness (Schaspander's disease). It always takes three days for him to be literally disassembled and reassembled by its techno-scorpions. Although he realizes that Amyon Kial acted out of love for him, he has her isolated. She does not witness the birth of her daughter Saliananot, because the child has matured in an artificial uterus. Vetris-Molaud has learned his lesson - he mustn't trust anyone. For him, the attempt to integrate LFT member states into the new Tamanium has finally failed.

Monkey requests the help of Gucky. The Oxtorner wants to find out more about the purpose of the Tefrodic strategy and to go to a very special location for this purpose.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Plothalos rubble worlds
Plothalos Trümmerwelten
By Michael Marcus Thurner

Monkey, Pucky, the Laosoor Vazquarion and Precheurer Munroe Cardan (a Positronic specialist) travel with the USO flagship YART FULGEN for the home of the Paramags consisting of countless asteroids. According to the information of a double agent of the New USO there are several Tefroder spaceships traveling there, including the LAHMU. Monkey wants to know why the New Tamanium is interested in the Paramags. In addition, the pain teleporter Lan Meotato is to be present. Monkey would consider it a pleasant side effect of the mission if Pucky killed the man and acquired his para-skills. The mousebeaver is not enthusiastic about this idea and more or less takes the lead during the mission because it becomes clear that the Oxtorner would behave like the bull in the china shop with the Paramags.

Gucky and his companions can look undisturbed in the honeycomb - that's what the Paramags call the asteroids full of PEW metal in which they live - after their initial difficulties with the Paramags, which are always very suspicious of strangers, have been overcome. Cardan penetrates the computer networks to collect information. He learns that the Tefroders are active in WABE 1312. This debris world is primarily home to Paramags, who collided with other species during their travels through the PEW metal and thus lost their identity or suffered mental disorders. One of these unfortunate Paramags is Plothalo, which has lost the ability of paratransformation and suffers from a special form of schizophrenia. Pucky tries to win his trust. He realizes that the Tefroders are in the process of dealing drugs to the caregivers of the sick Paramags.

However, there is soon a collision with a superior Tefrodic force. Agents Bunccer-Buhaam and Ghenis Tay are also active here. Cardan is wounded and poisoned with Limalium. As he escapes, Monkey manages to capture a Tefroder agent, in whose mind Pucky reads that Lan Meota is in the wreckage system to go after a statue of the Master of the Island Zeno Kortin. An exchange is agreed upon - the trapped agent for the cure for Cardan. Lan Meota accepts the deal, and Cardan can be cured. The Paramags suddenly attack everyone at the meet. The fighting has not escaped them and they do not agree with strangers spreading in their area of life. In the confusion, Gucky and his companions can escape. Gucky and Vazquarion form a parablock with Plothalo, who thus temporarily regains his abilities and brings the two mutants into a hidden cavern. There is the statue of the former Factor IV.

But Lan Meota and his agents also arrive there. Pucky and his companions are again in the minority and cannot prevent the Tefroders from taking the statue away. Lan Meota explains that each statue houses part of Zeno Kortin's ÜBSEF constant, and that five intact statues are required to reanimate the Master of the Island. Lan Meota has already discovered six statues, but one was defective and one was not transportable. But now he has the required number. In battle, Monkey kills Bunccer-Buhaam and steals part of his equipment. This includes a data medium in which Cardan finds information about a secret planet of the Tefroders named Connoort. While two parties of the Paramags are fighting each other (one wants to drive out all strangers, the other wants to open up to the peoples of the Milky Way ), Monkey orders Gucky to teleport with him and Vazquarion after the Tefroders and into the LAHMU. Plothalo is left behind, despondent over returning to his disability and insanity. Gucky feels guilt over leading him along with the lie of a possible cure.

I found the writing particularly effective in this issue. I've really come to despise Lan Meota and really felt sorry for Plothalo. Gucky's despair over how he had to use Plothalo really hit me deep.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2790 Factor IV

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Factor IV
Faktor IV
By Michelle Stern

The Zeno Kortin statue is transported from the spaceship LAHMU to the secret Tefroder planet Connoort. The structure made of PEW metal is in a very secure area, so that Pucky, Monkey and Vazquarion, who got into the ship unnoticed, cannot get to it. In the end, Vazquarion manages to secretly send out a signal that enables the YART FULGEN to follow the LAHMU. Vetris-Molaud personally lives in the city of Bhutefor, built on stilts on a plant island, the only settlement on the water world. There the statue is to be united with four other statues, and in this way the former Master of the Island is to return to life. Vetris-Molaud hopes that Factor IV will help him expand the New Tamanium across the Milky Way and Andromeda. The Maghan announces this vision in a flaming speech in front of an enthusiastic audience.

Central to the reawakening of Zeno Kortin is the PEW substance reaction initiators, which are produced under the direction of Chief Scientist Sayen Yutinod on Connoort. These aggregates are intended to pump hyperenergy into the statues, with the support of the Para-Paladins of the Mutant Corps. As is known, PEW metal is transformed under the influence of hyperenergy, so that a frequency-related power consciousness can arise into a deformation-related paradox intelligence. Monkey wants to prevent this at all costs and at the same time attempt to assassinate Vetris-Molaud, in order to kill two birds with one stone. Pucky doesn't think much of this plan, but he participates.

The procedure begins on July 11, 1517 NGZ. Lan Meota and the other mutants form a para-block. The statues standing on a platform surrounded by a HU-screen absorb the energy and begin to change. Pucky and his companions plant bombs, the explosions of which affect the HU-screen. The statues absorb their energy, so the process threatens to get out of control. While Monkey tries unsuccessfully to attack Vetris-Molaud, the mutant Ejery Vyndor begins to dissolve in a PEW metal bubble. Pucky tries to intervene and support the mutants, but it's too late. Ejery Vyndor disappears. But the five master statues merge as planned into a single, bright green copy, in which a Paradox I complex is created. Zeno Kortin is born again.

Monkey suffers a terrible chest wound while fighting a techno-scorpion. Vazquarion and Lan Meota are fatally injured. Both the Laosoor and the Pain Teleporter voluntarily give Pucky their gifts, although they know that this means their death. The mouse beaver gains an unknown form of teleportation ability, which enables him to flee to space with Monkey where the YART FULGEN retrieves them.

Despite everything, Vetris-Molaud has achieved his goal. Zeno Kortin is conscious, even if only to a limited extent. He agrees to support the self-proclaimed Maghan.

So the return of Gucky's powers takes another step forward. I wonder how long it will take him to master this version of teleportation. And how long before Zeno Kortin betrays Vetris-Molaud. I enjoyed the delineation between Monkey and Gucky. It once again shows how murky morality can be.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2791 The Gamblers of Arkon

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The Gamblers of Arkon
Die Hasardeure von Arkon
By Uwe Anton

On July 24, 1517 NGE a rendezvous of the RAS TSCHUBAI with the YART FULGEN takes place. Information is exchanged and the RAS TSCHUBAI takes over 10 LIPs and 100 copies of the libro drones mass-produced on Halut. Perry Rhodan, Atlan and Bostich are divided on the magnitude of the threat posed by the New Tamanium, but there is consensus that conquering an Atope ship is a top priority. The choice falls on the one operating in the sealed Baag system, the CHUVANC. In order to collect information unnoticed, the Galactics are planning a diversion. In any case, Bostich intends to ignite a beacon that is intended to make it clear that the Arkonides are not giving up. A commando company led by Bostich, for which he selects four Proto-Hetostes, is to recapture the imperial flagship GOS'TUSSAN II. A second team, consisting of Atlan, Pucky, the two Keloskers and the three human members of the Venus Team, is supposed to kidnap crew members of the CHUVANC.

Both groups use space Jets of the LAURIN-series and have TARA battle robots as well as Onryone disguised Daniel robots there. One of the latter is the price that the Ultra-Heavy-Patriarch and TLS-Agent Choulynger demanded for bringing the teams to the site with the CHOULYNGER’S HOMESTEAD, which was allowed to pass through the Repulsor Wall several times. In the Baag system, Bostich triggers the silent ringing, a secret signal with which the Imperator announces his return. The crew of the GOS'TUSSAN II had to leave the ship. From Guilden da Voshett, who responded to the silent ringing, Bostich received the information that his flagship had been completely taken over by the Onryones and parked at the fleet base Kaokish, a moon of the gas giant Flaon.

Meanwhile, Atlan's group lands on Tynoon, the seventh planet in the Baag system. Atlan speaks to some Arkonides who recognize him and report that the CHUVANC stands on the former trading space port of Theter on Naat. Luna is in orbit on this planet and is said to become a steering world. From the Arkonides Atlan learns that Onryones currently stationed in the Baag system rampantly suffer from the Dark Fever, a highly contagious disease that can cause blindness and death. The sublimation of Arkon III that the Arkonides know how to report about is imminent. But they don't know what that means. Atlan and Pucky find it out when they surprise young Onryonic campers and take a com device from them, which gives them access to the occupiers' internal network. It is clear that Arkon III is to be transformed into an Atopic Conductor. This is to establish a direct connection between GA-yomaad and Synchrony. Atlan now plans to get a sample of the Dark Virus and infect the crew of the CHUVANC. He assumes that the sick will be removed from the CHUVANC so that he can take hold of them to interrogate.

Atlan wants to look at the Sublimation on the ground and watches as several hundred robotic spaceships of the EPPRIK class make a pointless attack against the massive Space Father cordon that has gathered around Arkon III and the planet that is completely overgrown by techno-web. The Sublimation of Arkon III by tt-progenitors cannot be stopped, but a small Onryonic dinghy of the Space Father ZOMOKOS gets between the fronts and threatens to be destroyed. Inside are the Onryones Kov Goydoracc (the confidant of the military commander-in-chief of the Baag system) and Tymca Lousc, a Genifer. Both are immune to the Dark Fever. Goyddoracc had supposed to watch the Sublimation instead of his blind supervisor Ceerval Sdynnoc, to report firsthand to him about it. Pucky uses his new teleporter ability to save the two just before their ship explodes. The Sublimation was completed on July 28, 1517 NGE. Arkon III and the Tolocestes who controlled the process on site no longer exist. The Atopic Conductor was created.

Things are getting grim. The Tribunal's plans are moving forwards and the Galactics are no closer to stopping them. But at least Gucky seems to be in control of his new hybrid teleportation. I can't wait to see what Uwe has for us next issue.

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