Synopsis by jerry

Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2662 Kaowen‘s Decision

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

No. 2662
Kaowens Entscheidung
Kaowen‘s Decision
by Arndt Ellmer

After the destruction of the shipyard APERAS KOKKAIA and QIN SHI's disappearance, Kaowen, as directed, goes to the Shikaqin Viibad in the other part of the double galaxy Chanda. He seizes command of the fleets stationed there, guarding an area protected by a camouflage field. But many commanders do not think of submitting to him. Kaowen executes those who want to follow QIN SHI to Escalian. Ironically, soon after parts of the fleet receive orders to do just that. Kaowen should stay behind. But meanwhile, Kaowen receives new units as reinforcements.

This includes cone ships of the Dosanthi dedicated to the Desperate Resistance because QIN SHI wanted to depopulate their homeworld Meloudil with the World Scourge. They attack the Xylthe ships. Tokun Gavang and his ilk are using their Para-ability to drive the Xylthes into panic and suicide. But there is a security measure that the Dosanthi did not know about. Kaowen can destroy their spaceships remotely. Thus, the uprising threatens to be crushed. However, the fighting rekindles, as the Chuferan and the fleets from Plepsons intervene on the Dosanthi side. The camouflage field goes out. A planet becomes visible. The world without an atmosphere is covered by a quasi-organic substance whose surface forms countless Oracca faces. Tokun Gavang's consciousness becomes paralyzed.

Meanwhile, Ramoz is trying to bring the fleet of seven hundred sixty-five thousand units gathered in the Cold Space under his control. His goal is to destroy QIN SHI. The fleet, however, has no energy. That is where the BASIS supply sphere comes in; Perry Rhodan returns to the Cold Space with this ship and other units. Within a few days, the supply sphere provides the required energy by tapping the sun inside it and feeing it through the blue crystals floating inside. Rhodan has misgivings about the use of the fleet because it was originally provided by the Oraccameo race, which is believed to have evolved into QIN SHI (although Högborn Trumeri persistently refuses to say anything on the matter), so QIN SHI may have set security codes for these ships.

In the meantime, Nemo Partijan examined Anaree’s star gem. Although it is a forgery and does not allow access to the Moral Code of the Universe, it does have some amazing qualities. Suddenly, Partijan's laboratory sets off a serious explosion. Hyperenergy is released. Ennerhahl says that Partijan is not supposed to be alive anymore, but the scientist claims that he is unharmed. After a conference on December 1, 1469 NGZ, in which Rhodan claims command of the fleet, Ramoz is to lead the ships from the Cold Space. But something seems to go wrong. Structural vibrations and hyperspace tears arise. Rhodan watches the MIKRU-JON's shell begin to collapse ...
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2663 The Anchor Planet

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Nr. 2663
Der Anker-Planet
The Anchor Planet
By Christian Montillon

Ramoz brings the Cold Space - a bubble within the Psionic Net - to collapse, because he ignored the warnings of an Oraccameo - hologram about pulling too much energy in the bubble too quickly, in order to quickly charge up the many ships of the mothballed fleet. The BASIS supply sphere pumps more and more energy into the Cold Space until the hypercrystals floating there are overloaded. The Psionic Net is restored to its original state as it expels the energy, causing severe hyperstorms. Although the starships of the ancient fleet materialize in normal space, one hundred fifteen thousand units are destroyed by it (and two hundred fifty-three thousand were previously irreparably damaged), while countless others must also be considered a total loss or repaired first. Only about one hundred thousand ships are ready to fight. In the starship ZASA , which Ramoz had declared his flagship , a meeting is called on December 6, 1469 NGE to determine what to do next. A reconnaissance mission consisting of the MIKRU-JON and Ennerhahl’s light cell is sent to check out QIN SHI’s anchor planet.

Kaowen's fleet is standing by there. A splinter of QIN SHI joins with the Protector. It comes to fighting insurgent Dosanthis and ships of other races, which appear as the planet Shikaqin becomes visible. Particularly dangerous are the Quolnä Keretzen, against whose flash wave the Xylthes cannot protect themselves. Perry Rhodan uses the chaos of the space battle to approach the planet. Meanwhile, Nemo Partijan has found out that Anaree’s purported star jewel contains "predetermined breaking points" that allow the explosive release of the stored therein hyper-energy. The jewel is shot at the planet after Gucky has telepathic contact with the living world. The mousebeaver recognizes that there the consciousness contents of QIN SHI devoured by the World Scourge continue to exist and serve as an anchor for the superintelligence. Their agony is endless and they long for final death.

The star jewel explodes. The organic matter that covers the planet is destroyed within seconds, QIN SHI’s anchor is destroyed. Nemo Partijan theorizes that Samburi Yura had delivered them the star jewel for just this purpose. Kaowen survives. He knows who he owes the newest defeat to.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2664 Behind the Planet Wall

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Nr. 2664
Hinter dem Planetenwall
Behind the Planet Wall
by Hubert Haensel

Arun Joschannan is elected First Terran of the LFT on 1 January 1470 NGE. Just a few weeks later, he sets off for his first major official mission. On 1 February, he will represent the LFT at the Eastside Conference, in which almost all the Jülziish races, as well as delegations of the Akones, Topsiders and other races will participate. Thereafter, Joschannan wants to accept an invitation from the Theatrum system, which had been sent two years ago. Joschannan wants to convince the independent system to enter the LFT. Henar Maltczyk, the Secretary of the First Terran, is worried, because according to a report from Travnor, an assassination attempt on Arun’s life is planned. Joschannan travels with the TYLL LEYDEN, accompanied by two other warships of the APOLLO class. He meets with Admiral Ipthey-Hüriit, an Apaso, at the Nabeg Solar Pentagon. Ipthey-Hüriit accompanies the Terran ships with fifty of his own ships. He tells Joschannan about an observation he had made on January 2nd. Three discus ships of unknown ownership armed with heavy interval cannons had flown about in the middle of a Hyper-hurricane, possibly using a Tryortan gullet as a means of transport. Other ships of this type were tracked during the connecting flight. It remains questionable whether they were Blues ships, because they were superior to everything that Ipthey-Hüriit knows.

The Eastside conference takes place on one of seventeen identical planets on the Khamashnam Planet Wall. Quicheramo Blues had discovered the system a long time ago, but until now its existence had been concealed. Now it was proposed that the system is to be put under the administration of the Galacticum, because it is one of seven of the Old-timers built Suprahet - trap systems. This agenda item remains open, but it is decided, among other things, that the Galactic ATLAS EXPLORER fleet will operate increasingly actively in the Southside. Henar Maltczyk finds out that the Jülziish, fearing Arkonide dominance, is keen to bring the Akones and LFT closer together. Joschannan, who has already earned Ipthey-Hüriit's respect, is nicknamed "Honest Arun" because of his open nature at the conference.

The journey continues towards the Theatrum system. On the way, Ipthey-Hüriit's escorts get lost in a hyperstorm. The TYLL LEYDEN picks up an emergency call from the Terran trade ship WELLS FARGO, which is allegedly being attacked by the mysterious discus ships. As it could be a trap, Joschannan and his secretary stay back with a corvette, while the three APOLLO battleships rush to the rescue of the WELLS FARGO and its sister ship WESTERN UNION. Three Discus ships promptly appear and attack the corvette. The pilot Vanessa Pateng can get the corvette to superluminal flight, but the drive and life support systems are damaged. The corvette falls back into normal space and must land on the desert world Mackurat.

For a diversion, the entire crew except for the pilot and Captain Tyll Brager exit with two Shifts, while robots are simultaneously discharged. The discus spacers follow and capture one of the Shifts. It becomes clear that they are trying to capture the First Terran. Joschannan and his companions have to hide in a cave inhabited by giant wasp like creatures, but are tracked down there. Once again, they manage to escape, and on February 8, finally, the APOLLO ship and one hundred spaceships of the Jülziish commanded by Ipthey-Hüriit arrive from the Khamashnam system. Two of the foreign discs are destroyed, but the third escapes. The examination of the wrecks does not yield any usable results. The techniques used by the unknown builders is not of a specific Blues origin; it could just as well come from the Arkonides. They may be part of the Badakk infiltrated Ark'Tussan Factor.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

Is anyone out there?

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

I'm just curious if anyone is still reading these synopses I'm putting up.

Beiträge: 733
Registriert: 22. Juli 2013, 20:29

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von M13 »

Hi Jerry,
I do. And I appreciate your effort!

No 2664 is about six years back in time for me. Nevertheless, I think it's important to have English language synopsis around for all international lurkers and people who do a Google search about a specific installment. Don't think that Google Translate with German synopsis at Perrypedia will do a good job. See here: ... anetenwall

I had some laughs with "Handelsraumer" translated to "Trading room".
At a different occassion "Raumer" was translated to "Spacer".

A second source for automatic translation could be the "spoiler forum". Let's see how this will work with No 2664: ... &sandbox=1

Here the original German links: ... anetenwall ... 100#p44345

No, no, no.
Jerry, please go on!

Maybe it will help if you add some personal comments to the synopsis?
That could trigger some discussion here.

Beiträge: 590
Registriert: 26. November 2013, 10:57

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von Klenzy »

We would have preferred to be able to offer good quality english translations at Perrypedia. As we have more than 40 000 articles now, it is simply impossible. Not only we'd have to translate once every article, but we'd have to keep track of all ongoing changes to existing articles. Way too much work for the small number of perrypedianauts. So we have decided to include Google translator instead, which gives you immediate access to the complete perrypedia at the moment.

Of course, automatic translation is far from being as perfect as the arkonide translators in our series. But when comparing the above posted link against Jerrys synopsis, you can see that large parts of the automatic translation are not soooo bad. Just think about mistranslations as being jokes.

We do not want to disencourage anyone, not Jerry nor anyone else, to place their own work here, you're really doing a great job here.
Mach langsam! Das Leben ist zu kurz, um sich zu beeilen.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

Re: Is anyone reading

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Thanks for responses guys. Yes, Google Translate and the other software packages do give some funny translations, but it's a good place to start, and using multiple packages i end up with fairly good results. When I retire in a few years, I'll probably try to actually learn German, even though I am lousy at languages. :>

Uwe, I'll try adding some personal thoughts when I can think of some. :P :st:

By the way, Uew, you aren't the Uwe Anton are you? That would be so cool.

Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2665 Secret of the Circus World

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Nr. 2665
Geheimnis der Zirkuswelt
Secret of the Circus World
by Marc A. Herren

Thea, a former Free Trader world in the Southside on the doorstep of the Jülziish, was settled a long time ago by the predominantly Terran crew of a circus ship in distress. The renowned Theas Circus Academy has produced several tamers and other artists known throughout the galaxy. The main economic factor there is the trading of goods, but the planet itself is considered insignificant. This could change if the Theatrum system were to join the LFT. Arun Joschannan, who visits the circus world on February 9, 1470 NGE, is there to promote this idea. First, the First Terrian is led through the capital Dolina Salamonski by Nuggnugg, an old native Topsider. The Topsider bodyguards Tork-Trak and Onttril-Gukzz are not the only protection Joschannan relies on. The JULES VERNE orbits the system, protected from sensors, and ten Posbi-BOXES are in a waiting position a few light years away. Ronald Tekener has learned during the interrogation of the Sayporan Marrnuur that the First Terran is to be kidnapped on a circus world. When the Smiler also receives the news that Sayporans are on Thea, he goes to Dolina Salamonski in a bioplast mask to warn Joschannan.

The kidnapping takes place during a speech by Joschannan on February10. The attackers have high-quality shields and weapons at their disposal. The LFT bodyguards have nothing to oppose this. There are dead and injured, and Tekener is paralyzed. Joschannan, his secretary Henar Maltczyk, the two Topsider bodyguards and other people are brought to the island of Osa Mariga, as it is soon discovered. Tekener follows the kidnappers with the hunting cruiser NAUTILUS III, but a folk festival is taking place on Osa Mariga, so that Tekener cannot use heavy weapons. A commando team led by him arrives too late. The kidnapped were already received by the Sayporaner Stradsoider and transported by means of a transit parquet to another location. The Terrans capture and evacuate a village inhabited by several hundred Sayporans and Badakks in pagoda style tents on the island. There are also at least forty Earth children, who apparently voluntarily stayed with the Augurs. Two three hundred meter spaceships, which were reported stolen seventeen years ago and now contain genesis plasma basins, are being examined. A flight recorder can be read on February11. Tekener figures out from it that the Sayporans maintain another base on the moon of the seventh planet.

In fact, Tork-Trak and Onttril-Gukzz are already being interrogated there by the Sayporan Chourweydes, who is much more aggressive than Stradsoider. As the JULES VERNE approaches the base, some of the spaceships parked there - including two Spenta nail ships - attempt to escape. One nail ship is shot down, while the others escape. Landing troops penetrate the base and quickly take out any resistance. While Chourweydes cooperates, Stradsoider fights to the last and is stabbed. Despite everything, Tekener seems to be too late again: Joschannan is already in a basin with genesis plasma...

This issue was a fun read. There was plenty of action and I enjoyed seeing some attention paid to how the LFT works. And then we finally have the return of Ronald Tekener! I’ve missed him and the USO very much. Hopefully the USO will play a role soon.

The issue had a nice mix of alien slice of life to Galactic politics. I sometimes find it hard to translate the issues focusing on alien histories because of the alien terminology. At the same time though, it makes it all the more rewarding to finish an issue and thereby understand a race better.
Beiträge: 733
Registriert: 22. Juli 2013, 20:29

Re: Is anyone reading

Beitrag von M13 »

jerrys109 hat geschrieben:… By the way, Uew, you aren't the Uwe Anton are you? That would be so cool.
No, Jerry. I'm so sorry, I'm not Uwe Anton.
Oh, and thank you for your personal comments on No 2665, Secret of the Circus World!

Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2666 The Pyramid of the Badakk

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Die Pyramide der Badakk
The Pyramid of Badakk
by Arndt Ellmer

The Badakk symbiont did not have enough time to take over Arun Joschannan completely. The genesis plasma cannot be removed completely. Joschannan remains in control of himself, but develops a very healthy appetite, which is due to the additional energy needs of the Badakk. Since nobody knows if and how the symbiont evolves and if Joschannan might lose his free will, he is under constant surveillance. Gashwa Perkat, an Oxtornian Specialist from the JV-1 receives the order, to liquidate the First Terran, if necessary.

Joschannan can feel the presence of other Badakks. After the population of Thea has been informed about the actions of the foreign invaders, Joschannan can move freely on Thea. In a meeting with the planetary circle of directors he realizes that numerous people in high positions have been taken over by the Badakk. The afflicted can be identified with Joschannan’s help and rendered harmless. In the meantime, the true extent of the infiltration is becoming known. Hundreds of circus spaceships are transporting equipment of Sayporaners through the Milky Way, so there are probably genesis plasma pools and transit parquets on countless planets. Ronald Tekener will pass on this information later. When examining the circus ship REGULUS, it becomes clear that the transport containers for these items were provided by the company Wettach, whose director is one of the infested. In addition, it is observed how the escaped spaceships from the lunar base disappear in Tryortan gulliets.

A Posbi of the JULES VERNE directs the storming of the Wettach Company premises with TARA-battle robots. There he discovers a pyramid consisting of two thousand five hundred networked Badakks. In this way, these beings are likely to gain superior skills. The pyramid is destroyed, but it cannot be prevented that the entire area is destroyed by huge atomic explosions that were triggered by the Badakks. Then the Sayporaner Chourweydes is interrogated by Joschannan. The Sayporaner agrees to contact the Spentas in the last remaining nail ship. He moves them grant the Galactics access to their ship. For this purpose, the ship is transported to Urengoll.


I really enjoyed this issue. There was plenty of action, we get plot line movement and more of the Galactic Gambler, Ronald Tekener. Cracks are starting to appear in the ranks of QIN SHI's forces and we are beginning the slow climb to the climax of this cycle. I hope the fun keeps coming. Nothing like a little intrigue and battle scenes to spice up the story.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2667 The Diplomat from Maharani

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Nr. 2667
The Diplomat From Maharani
Der Diplomat von Maharani
von Michael Marcus Thurner

Based on the insights gained on Travnor and Thea, the Galactics are finding Badakks and Sayporaners everywhere in the Milky Way. On Arun Joschannan’s request, the USO works together with foreign secret services. The First Terran wants to seize the opportunity to improve relations between the Milky Way peoples. The actions are successful. It seems the Theatrum system was the starting point of the enemy’s activities. While the Sayporaners accept captivity, the Badakkd usually fight to the last and destroy themselves so as not to fall into the hands of the Galactics. Further Galactics "turned over" by genesis plasma are exposed and young people are freed again. One of them is Joschannan's son Caio Antwan. The medics try in vain to heal the adolescents changed in some unknown manner. In Caio's case, it is aggravating that his relationship with Joschannan was never very good - at first the First Terran fails to reason with his son. As before, Joschannan is accompanied every step of the way by his Oxtorner "Bodyguard", because it is still not clear whether the genesis plasma is continuing to spread through his body. Since excessive hunger is a bad sign, Joschannan does without many a meal.

On the 21st and 22nd of February 1470 NGE the Badakk interned at the USO base T9 as well as on the extreme world Trankun belonging to the Arkonide Empire undertake outbreak attempts. In some unknown way, the enigmatic beings manage to sabotage and take over all sorts of technical devices. Apparently, the Badakks use nanotechnology, which is hidden in their bodies for it. Ronald Tekener bombards a corvette hijacked by the Badakks, although the fate of the USO crew is unclear. The Badakks destroy the ship before it can be captured. The Sayporaners, especially Chourweydes , show to be a bit more accessible. However, many of them are getting worse and worse physically. Joschannan speaks several times with Chourweydes, but does not quite mange to get close to the Sayporaner, because the mindset of this people is so foreign to the Terrans and Chourweydes likes to speak in riddles. Joschannan demands that the manipulation of the young people be reversed. In this point, Chourweydes turns out to be surprisingly cooperative. He guarantees the "reconstitution" of the young people.

The study of the Sayporaners shows that these beings do not have uniform genetic material. Chourweydes reports that every Sayporan must periodically incorporate foreign organs into theirs to survive. The same must be done if the captive Sayporaners are to be rescued. Since cloned organs are not good enough, Joschannan must allow the Sayporans to access humans. Joschannan turns to Faroz Khalai, Caios attending physician. The man belongs to the Parsen religion. The Parsees do not burn or bury their dead but leave the dead corpses to the birds in open air ceremonies. In such a sky burial, the Sayporans may take over the role of birds on the 1st of March. Grateful, Chourweydes tells the First Terran of his people and the targets of the invasion.

On the 4th of March, Joschannan takes part in a meeting of the Secret Security Advisory Council, made up of representatives of many Milky Way peoples, on Aurora. All the captured Badakks are now dead. The "doubles" are free, because the genesis plasma in their bodies is decomposing. The Badakks have "treated" not only Galactics with the genesis plasma, but also Sayporaners. The liberated young people are on their way to recovery, Joschannan and his son begin to talk to each other again. All known hyper-storm areas where Tryortan gullets may arise are guarded by warships. Despite all this good news Bostich still cautions the others that the war is far from over, and that this is currently just the calm before the storm...

This issue was a lot of fun, which is usual for anything involving Ronald Tekener and the USO. You get action, intrigue and some actual resolution to problems. But now we return to Alaska Saedelaere, so we should get to see some weird stuff, as the Mask Bearer always ends up mixed up in cosmic events. :>
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2668 Neuntau

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

by Christian Montillon

Alaska Saedelaere is en route with the cylinder ship SHEYAR to the dwarf galaxy Dranat. There he hopes to find the designer Sholoubwa, because in Dranat are the construction planets on which the petals of the Time Rose were created. Eroin Blitzer recognizes that there are two suns orbited by construction site planets that are identical and connected by hyperenergetic lines. He assumes that Sholoubwa's main world, which monitored the construction of the Time Rose, is at the intersection of the connecting lines. On Saedelaere’s command (as an inharmonious on board, Blitzer has nothing to report) the SHEYAR flies to the target point and discovers a planet. There is a gigantic city, but no life there. The robots of Sholoubwa's Techno-guard lie around disabled, and everything seems to have been crumbling for centuries or millennia. This also applies to Nicomus Neuntau, a dwarf droid, whom the two encounter. He was left behind by Sholoubwa a long time ago and is gradually falling apart.

Blitzer is not pleased to see an example of his own transience in Neuntau. Neuntau is not happy with Sholoubwa and willingly provides information to the visitors. Neuntau was commander of the cobalt blue cylinder SCREW-B and served Sholoubwa at the behest of the Cosmocrats. Apparently there were differences at a certain time between Sholoubwa and his clients, because one day he could no longer enter his own tower, the heart of the entire system, and so he disappeared. Neuntau knows where to find Sholoubwa now and agrees to lead them to him. The journey continues into the Nahroin system, filled with planetary debris and gigantic aggregates created from it. There, the SHEYAR is subjected to various hyper-energetic phenomena. Nevertheless, Saedelaere, Blitzer and Neuntau manage to land on the third planet.

There are shifts in reality that allow Saedelaere to see images of the past. The planet has been mercilessly exploited for a long time without regard to its inhabitants. A large area is filled with huge, still under construction and interconnected Positronics, Sholoubwa statues and Sontaron generators. A humanoid statue, enthroned on a pyramid, appears to be Sholoubwa. Saedelaere speaks to him and learns that the designer is about to create something called Free Space - an activity to which he seems desperate to do. During the conversation, Eroin Blitzer taps into Sholoubwa's memories. Sholoubwa carries the visitors to another location with a transmitter field. There natives lead a hopeless fight against Sholoubwa's robotic construction machines. Neuntau is hit by a spear and dies, which he is not unhappy about. Since Saedelaere and Blitzer have nothing better to do anyway (their protective suits are inoperative), they look into Sholoubwa's memories, which Blitzer had been able to download...


We seem to be on a roll here. This was another issue that I enjoyed, with a mix of action, answers and new questions. I've always found Alaska to be the Sad Sack of the immortals, even if a very capable one. He is doomed to be dumped on by fate, but he keeps carrying on, trying to do what's right. I know that his search for Mistress Samburi will eventually hook up to Perry eventually. It'l be fun to see how it happens. I imagine that they'll probably meet soon after one of them finds her. Meanwhile, Alaska will continue to uncover the cosmic mysteries behind the current events.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2669 Designers' Competition

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Designers' Competition
Wettstreit der Konstrukteure
by Marc A. Herren

4,235 years after the foundation of their empire, the humanoid Moweners in the galaxy Karn-Legrek are carrying out a war against the Orfenars. In the battle for the insignificant planet of Nunngar, a young industrialist’s son Cholaquin Port'aldonar - better known as Sholoubwa , author of the poetry volume » Love in Times of Abundance « dripping with patriotism - suffers a horrible abdominal injury. An airworthy medo-drone saves the dying Mowener's life, but for the rest of his life Cholaquin has to take a cocktail of medicines to maintain the unstable network of artificial organs in his body. His war experiences are processed by Cholaquin against the opposition of his father, who finally disinherits him, in new, far from patriotic poems. He is quickly attacked for this because the enthusiasm of his people has not diminished. Disillusioned, he ends his writing career and follows in the footsteps of his now bankrupt father. His own genius as a designer by far surpasses that of his father.

Already during his convalescence, Cholaquin comprehensively perfects the old Medo-drone, which he never wants to part with. Cholaquin is now involved in the creation of large transmitters and discovers the so-called Zero Channel - a kind of dimensional gate , through which two arbitrary points can be permanently connected. A deadly radiation released by this prevents the use of the Zero Channel by living things. Cholaquin gets involved in a bet. He sets his company against the hand of the wife of his competitor Husen, who is developing bio-Positronics. Cholaquin has to greatly increase the capacity of the Medo-drone if he wants to win the bet and prove that bio-Positronics are not as powerful as Husen claims. Cholaquin cheats by connecting the drone via Zero Channel with a Grand Positronic. He wins, but quickly loses interest in Husen's wife. Years later, he notes that the drone's circuits have changed in an irreproducible manner due to Zero Channel radiation. The drone is far superior to any mainframe because it can develop creative ideas. Cholaquin continues to improve the drone and gives it the name Sholoubwa.

In 4255 NRG Cholaquin is propositioned by a messenger of the Cosmocrats. With the development of the Zero Channel, the Designer has qualified to enter the service of the forces of Order. When Cholaquin asks for payment, the messenger reacts with incomprehension. Cholaquin sends him away laughing. Eighteen years later, Cholaquin's corporation is facing forced nationalization. Sholoubwa, who now has a pseudo Mowener body, is to be destroyed because biological shaped robots are illegal. Sholoubwa defends himself and kills the government delegates on his own. Cholaquin’s only choice left is to run. He and Sholoubwa engage in contracts with two hostile races and thus wage a kind of war against their own race. Cholaquin builds special subroutines in Sholoubwa, because the robot’s callous initiative for self-preservation has become scary to him. In addition, the student has long outstripped the master.

At the age of ninety-three, Cholaquin realizes that his death is imminent. Since his body cannot be saved, Cholaquin wants to temporarily transplant his brain into Sholoubwa's body and connect it with the Grand Positronic via an interface that was being developed by Husen. Sholoubwa is supposed to build the neural transmitter himself. He estimates the construction time to be seventy-two years. Cholaquin bridges this time with a dilatation flight. Arriving in 4379, he wants to use the subroutines to wipe out Sholoubwa’s intellect and take his place. But he is cheated. Sholoubwa has long since made the programs harmless and stopped building the neural transmitter after just twenty-two years. Cholaquin finally dies.


This issue was a pleasant surprise. I'm not usually a big fan of alien character history issues, but this issue was fun. The twist that Sholoubwa appears to actually be an alien bio-Positroinc, and not actually Cholaquin was a good one. And Marc Herren doesn't go overboard with alien terminology, which I greatly appreciated. I find my myself anxiously waiting to see how the the other half of this historical episode goes in teh next issue.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Nr. 2670
Der Weg des Konstrukteur
The Path of the Designer
von Marc A. Herren

581 NRG, two hundred and two years after Cholaquin’s death, Sholoubwa tests his latest invention to escape the race of the Allhe who steadily pursue his MOWENAS PRIDE because he has not only given them weapons, but also their enemies. Sholoubwa activates the semi-space bubble network, in which the enemy ships are temporarily stuck, so that he can escape. Sholoubwa is in constant Zero-Channel contact with the main Positronics of his asteroid base, as well as with his externalities - robots that he can control as if they were his own body parts. The same Cosmocrat envoy who once contacted Cholaquin, visits Sholoubwa at his base and recruits him for the higher powers. On Evolux, after lengthy tests a board of examiners from the people of the Firr find Sholoubwa worthy to work in the service of Cosmocrats. Although they sever his connection with his Grand Posititronics, but grants him access to an Evolux computer. In this way Sholoubwa's abilities are immeasurably increased. He gains unsuspected new insights into the cosmos and the way the cosmos works.

Decades later Sholoubwa is close to the completion of a Sontaron generator developed based upon the plans of an Emotio-transmitter. This device can amplify paranormal emissions. Supported by his more than two thousand externalities - the Techno-guard - Sholoubwa works on numerous projects at the same time, but in the eyes of his clients, he is just one design engineer among many. And, moreover, an outrageous one who pursues his own interests over and over again. Therefore, he is assigned Sub-auditor Voosla from the snake-like people of the Hoaponoset as a guardian. More centuries pass. Then Sholoubwa manages to perfect his HRB network and from this, will build the BOTNETZ designed by other Evolux-commissioned designers. For this purpose, a special metal is needed, and to get this, Sholoubwa flies with the SCREW-B into the galaxy Remmal. Nikomus Neuntau is appointed as his pilot and assistant. Sholoubwa enters the now material Intangible City of Connajent as soon as they arrive on the planet Nemkok. Sholoubwa uses a coder to force Connajent to stop at another stop. This will damage the city, but the job will be fulfilled. Sholoubwa receives metal containing traces of Carit from a Cosmic Factory. During this time he is persuaded by Eto Thalwaaruu, a resident of Connajent, to make life. Sholoubwa creates the Firibirim after the model of the local life form of the Firr.

The construction site for the BOTNETZ, a dimensional prison, which is to be used to hijack KOLTOROC and thus render harmless the Terminal Column TRAITOR, is located in Escalian. Renyi-Hemdebb leads the project. The BOTNETZ is finally used in the battle for TRYCLAU-3, but the mission fails and the petals of the Time Rose are damaged. Sholoubwa recognizes his mistake and begins to create a substance to improve the BOTNETZ. He watches as Renyi-Hemdebb is killed by AFALLA and sees how the miniature universes generies erated by the BOTNETZ can be stabilized. A thousand years after the Battle of TRYCLAU-3, Sholoubwa is working on perfecting the BOTNETZ on Tolmar. He manages to create a hyperperforation that permanently persists and forms a special constellation with Tolmar and a black hole. Afterwards he is visited by Resolution Commander Vuusla. Sholoubwa is ordered back to Evolux. When he refuses, the Zero-Channel connection with the Evolux computer is cut.

Sholoubwa had taken precautions and reconnected with his old Grand Positronic. But the asteroid containing it is attacked by a Rapid Cruiser of the Yakonto. However, Xylthe spaceships appear and annihilate the Rapid Cruiser. Then QIN SHI speaks personally with Sholoubwa. The superintelligence is interested in the BOTNETZ. Sholoubwa does not care about the construct anymore, so he agrees to hide it in the galaxy Totemhain until QIN SHI is ready to take possession of it. Centuries later, the designer survives a conflict with the entity TAFALLA, which has taken over Sholoubwa’s city on Tolmar for the Cautionary Spectacle of the Lake of Tears. Another two thousand years later, Sholoubwa suffers a terrible shock from the increase in the hyperimpedance. The basic program of the ancient Medo-drone reboots. Most of Sholoubwa's intellect has been destroyed. The designer is now only a shadow of himself.


This was another fine issue by Herren. It has good action and reveals the answers to many of the mysteries posed during this cycle. I'm actually looking forward to the third part of this elongated history. I don't recall the last time the series did a character history over three straight heftes.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2671 The World Ship

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The World Ship
Das Weitenschiff
by Christian Montillon

Sholoubwa brings Alaska Saedelaere and Eroin Blitzer to his techno pyramid, because he needs their help. In order to regain his grandeur and genius, he explains to his "guests," that he must create the Free Space. It is nearing completion, and thereafter the hyper-resistance in the Nahroin system will drop to its old value. At the same time, the World Ship, which is to serve as a replacement for Sholoubwa's asteroid-based Grand-Positronic, must be taken from its hiding place into the Free Space. Eroin Blitzer is to take over this task, for which the SCREW-B is made available. In return, Sholoubwa will help find Samburi Yura .

While Eroin Blitzer is on the move with SCREW-B, Saedelaere talks to Sholoubwa. The Terran becomes annoying to the designer, but it has to be kept alive because Sholoubwa has realized that a friendship has long since developed between Saedelaere and Blitzer. Sholoubwa does not want to risk that Blitzer will show any irrational reactions in the case of Saedelaere's death. Blitzer reaches the hiding place of the World Ship, deactivates the anti-detection screen and steers the SCREW-B into a hangar. The World Ship is a three-kilometer spherical ship, which consists of a variety of components. Among other things, this includes technology stolen from Evolux.

The Free Space is created. Immediately, Sholoubwa's powers increase in potential, but he also realizes that his crippled ego had made many mistakes that need to be corrected to keep the Free Space up. The Designer is in contact again with all his creations, including the BOTNETZ. He grants Saedelaere an insight into one of the BOTNETZ-created mini-universes. To his horror, the Terran recognizes that the Earth is trapped there, and that Samburi Yura has something to do with it. Then the Free Space starts to collapse. The World Ship reaches the Nahroin system too late.

When the Free Space collapses, the hyper-impedance jumps back up. This shatters Sholoubwa's intellect once more, this time irrevocably. The robot is still able to act, but he will never be the old Sholoubwa again. He asks for "death." Blitzer fulfills his request after Sholoubwa betrays him Samburi Yura's whereabouts. Blitzer would have killed Sholoubwa in any case, just to punish him for the abuse of Evolux technology. Saedelaere and Blitzer leave the planet and intend to restore order in the Nahroin system to help the natives before continuing to track down Samburi Yura.


What a satisfying conclusion to the epic of the Designer Sholoubwa. More crucial clues to the mysteries of the current cycle were revealed and there was plenty of excitement to be had. We're on the move now and it should keep up as the cycle begins to wind up.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Kosmische Agonie
Cosmic Agony
By Verena Themsen

On November 28, 1469 NGE Homer G. Adams receives a visit by Delorian Rhodan, with whom he had met for the first time on May 28, 1463 NGE. At the time, Delorian had warned him of a danger posed by Perry Rhodan. Delorian was and is of the opinion that Perry Rhodan is subtly being manipulated by owning the Polyport controller and it is the job of the Society of Absent Friends to catch what threatens to occur. Adams also learned about the reconstruction of the BASIS. When this process now completes, Delorian proclaims, the real future begins.

On the same day, after the fall of the Umbrian Council, the first regular government meeting is interrupted by a worrying message. The crew of the heavy cruiser HANNER TEKENBECK, found the enemy star galleons outside, and discovered that the anomaly is unstable and has already reduced in size. It is believed that the anomaly will collapse in the foreseeable future and that the Sixtadim veil is causing this disturbance. Delorian Rhodan confirms this assumption. Since a shutdown of the veil is out of the question, the Sol system must as soon as possible be returned to the standard universe. This requires the help of the Sayporans. For this reason, a Fleet personally commanded by Defense Minister Vashari Ollaron sets off for the World Wreath system to do reconnaissance.

At the same time, Reginald Bull meets with Chourtaird, as the Spenta have still not removed ARCHETIM's psi-corpus from Sol. If they do not succeed soon, it is to be feared that the darkening of the sun will never be reversed. Chourtaird contacts the Explicator Chourwayrs. Only he can talk to the Spenta. The Umbrian Council gives this its blessing after Bull has made it clear to Anicee Ybarri that a settlement of the situation is in their mutual interest. Shanda Sarmotte overhears the communication telepathically with the Spenta. The Spenta report of a seal , which presumably has existed in the sun for millions of years and prevents the recovery of ARCHETIM’s corpus.

In the anomaly, there is even worse chaos than before. Vashari Ollaron's fleet is decimated in a very short time by various hyperphysical catastrophes, and the minister is badly wounded. Her ship, the ZHENG HE, remains reasonably flightworthy, but a return to the Sol system seems illusory. With more or less severe damage only eleven ships survive the anomaly raging Gravo-shockwaves. They find a wrecked star galleon and can communicate with the Utrofar -Navigator Fernvater Augerbe. In order to accomplish the important mission he is on, the Utrofar needs the help of the Galactics - just as they need his help to find a safe way out of the chaos. Fernvater Augerbe is attached to the ZHENG HE. He directs the Galactics into a safe region, the Loom Land. On December first, an association of star galleons passes this area. The ships appear to be transporting the body of a dead superintelligence. All the Galactics suffer a shock through its emanations. Vashari Ollaron does not survive this incident.

After the rest of the fleet has returned to the Sol system, it is clear that the World Wreath system cannot be reached with spaceships. Delorian Rhodan suggests an alternative. The TLS tower must have a transit parquet connected to the Sayporan home system. Toufec will help the Terrans to enter the sealed and inaccessible underground TLS center.


Although there is little forward movement in this issue, it was still a quick read that kept my interest. A few pieces of important information are revealed and it sets the stage for what could be a really action filled issue next time. It's a shame Ollaron died. She had some good chemistry with Bully.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2673 The 106th Floor

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Nr. 2673
Das 106. Stockwerk
The 106th Floor
von Hubert Haensel

Flemming Burnett is the Coco-interpreter for AGENT GRAY , the central Positronic of the TLS Tower. From 1458 NGE he has worked together with Fydor Riordan, the former deputy head of the “Terra Internal Department”. He follows Riordan's rise and is brought together with the half-Ferrone Ve Kekolor by him, whom Flemming develops a crush on. Burnett does not realize that both are only exploiting and harnessing him for their own purposes. In 1465 NGE Attilar Leccore succeeds the late TLS Chief Noviel Residor. Riordan claims that the Terminal Column TRAITOR is about to infiltrate the Milky Way with Koda Ariels. Many people in important positions have already been replaced by shapeshifters. He voices the suspicion that Leccore is one of them and hands Burnett a hair that allegedly comes from the TLS boss. In fact, the hair does have unknown DNA. Burnett is now convinced that he can only trust Riordan and supports him in the fight against the invaders. They are supposed to gain help from friendly aliens, who appeared some time ago in the Sol system: The Sayporaners. Burnett receives a data crystal with a program that he feeds into AGENT GRAY. It ensures that the Positronics receives messages about the activities of the Sayporaners, but then modifies or suppresses them. In this way the strangers can carry out their plans undisturbed.

On December 1, 1469 NGE, Reginald Bull, Shanda Sarmotte, Toufec and two agents infiltrate the TLS Tower to initiate its reconquest and ensure the capture of an intact transit parquet. They are supported by Attilar Leccore, who went underground after the fall of the TLS headquarters. Access to the tower is made possible by a "mobile room" that is currently used as a toilet in the restaurant Night Asylum in Sub-Terrania. There are three such spaces that can move through tunnels to the TLS Tower, but only this one is unknown to AGENT GRAY. After the task force gathers there, the room sets in motion and finally docks on the legendary 106th floor of the TLS Tower. When Leccore tries to open a door in the TLS Tower with his personal codes, an alarm is triggered. Fagesys and robots attack, but the infiltrators are also armed and have a converted TARA combat robot called Stainless Stan with them. They defend themselves successfully and discover a room in which clone bodies of Riordan and Kekolor are being cultured. Apparently the two traitors were promised the kind of immortality already granted to Kaowen.

As Leccore begins to carry out the destruction of the clones, and as expected, Riordan and Kekolor appear a little later with more troops. With Pazuzu's help, Bull's people remain victorious. Kekolor is killed, and Riordan is badly wounded. Burnett takes his own life. Now Terran forces can enter the TLS Tower. After getting the situation under control, Leccore visits Riordan who is dying in the medical center. The two talk about the supposed Koda Ariel hair. Riordan takes his knowledge of the origin of hair to the grave. Leccore orders AGENT GRAY to delete the recorded conversation.


This was an interesting story more for the reveal at the end, that Attilar Leccore is probably a Koda Ariel. The rest of the story is interesting enough, but a little predictable.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2674 The Empire of Fear

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Volume 2674
Das Reich der Angst
The Empire of Fear
by Uwe Anton

There is a weak point in the space monitoring of the World Wreath system. All incoming information about the Thauta Theann (the information Cabinet) is forwarded to the Academy of Logistics on Druh. A team headed by Shanda Sarmotte, consisting of the agents Odo Ollowa and Daniil Veriaso, the TARA combat robot Stainless Stan and Toufec, is to take out the Thauta Theann. They will be transferred to the World Wreath system via the transit parquet in the TLS Tower. The counter station is a parquet in a Taychour (a meditation center) on Druh. The mission is hampered by the mobility of the Information Cabinet. It never stays in the same place and must be found first. In the search, the team encounters several huge mechanopods. These robots seem to be able to absorb and amplify emotions. When Odo Ollowa wants to examine a mechanopod more closely, he literally dies of fear. Veriaso and Shanda are also influenced. Stainless Stan is gradually dissolved by enemy nanomachines in the constant rain on this world. Only Toufec remains unimpressed by it all.

The Thauta Theann turns out to be a biomechanical brain housed in a cuboid eighty meters long. Stainless Stan is steered close to the cuboid. There, the robot triggers its self-destruction, which also destroys the Information Cabinet. Several combat gliders promptly appear. Maid Irriv comes out of one of them and addresses the intruders. Veriaso tries to escape and is shot down. Shanda and Toufec go into captivity. On December 4, 1469 NGE they face Paichander, the Dean of the Academy of Logistics. That Sayporaner has controlled the fate of his people for some time for the worse and works for QIN SHI. The ancient Sayporaner consists of body parts of various beings and must permanently reside in a life support system he calls his uterus. He is very interested in the bodies of his prisoners, especially their brains. He would like to incorporate parts of them in him. Shanda is not very enthusiastic about this and refuses.

Shanda and Toufec try to escape but are quickly captured and taken to Paichander again. He indicates that he has managed to manipulate QIN SHI so that the superintelligence has become almost his henchman. He offers to work together with his prisoners, whose special skills he has recognized. They are to help the expedition leader Choursterc in the recovery of a superintelligence corpse. The corpus is then to be brought to the Ephemeral Gate, a black hole through which the corpus can enter the matrix of the anomaly. Only then can the anomaly be stabilized and that would be in the mutual interest of them all. Shanda and Toufec agree and start with a star galleon to Zyorin Zopai. Shanda cannot shake off the unpleasant feeling that Delorian Rhodan and Toufec had planned this seemingly unexpected mission…


I love it as a cycle approaches the end, because we begin to get a lot more action issues. This issue definitely falls into that category. And Uwe Anton is my favorite author in the staff, so it was a happy Thanksgiving for me. Action and story movement, what more can I ask for? :D
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2675 The Glory of Silence

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Volume No. 2675
Der Glanz der Stille
The Glory of Silence
by Wim Vandemaan

The flight to the Zyor system takes a few days. On the way, Shanda Sarmotte and Toufec get to know the commanding Sayporan, Choursterc. He is ancient, cared for by the rod-shaped creature Aes Qimae , and has recently incorporated the brain (or parts of it) of the late ex-boyfriend of Anicee Ybarris. Benat Achiary's personality has been preserved. He tells the people the story of the Sayporaners, who owes their spread into space on the one hand to the Utrofars, who are about as important to them as the Posbis to the Terrans. On the other hand, there is also the technical legacy of an unknown people, that they found on the moon of Saypor. Their home galaxy Ayr was a "sealed" region at that time, which led to the fact that the Sayporaners came into contact with a superintelligence - namely QIN SHI - only late in their development. Choursterc says the Sayporaners would someday be so indispensable to QIN SHI that they could become the masters of superintelligence.

The search for the superintelligence corpse on Zyor Zopai has been going on for quite some time. It quickly becomes clear why all previous expeditions have failed. There is not just one corpse, but millions, if not billions of pieces of it. The remnants of the superintelligence descend from the sky in the form of wafer-thin amber threads and disappear into the ground. Planetary inhabitants, nearly humanoid creatures at relatively low levels of technology fighting a perpetual war, call these threads Pan-Factors and collect them wherever possible. There are countless uses for the Pan-factors. Among other things, they can be used to repair objects and to heal injuries. Shanda pulls the Zopai girl Pauthofamy out of a burning building. With her Pan-Factor, the child saves the life of the injured Aes Qimae. When Shanda picks up the thread, she recognizes microscopic inclusions in which entire cities and countries are located. She feels drawn into the Pan-factor, as if it is robbing her of something.

In planetary orbit are one thousand two hundred sixty-nine abandoned, but functioning space stations. Shanda and Toufec explore one station and meet a second Pauthofamy. Pazuzu notes that both girls are absolutely identical. It turns out that all the inhabitants of Zopai (as well as the cities and everything else) are only projections of the dead superintelligence PAUTHOFAMY, the twenty-first Guarantor of the dogma of Pau, consisting of a combination of copied mental structures that are far below as inhabitants of the cities created by the Pan-factors. PAUTHOFAMY was long ago infected by artificially produced pathogens and fell into degeneration. The superintelligence created a moon-sized sphere from the Pan Factors in the Zyor system and tried to fight against the disease. When she died, the Pan-Factor ball exploded and rained down on Zopai. Everything that exists on the planet is just a reflection of the sub-nano-reality stored in the Pan-Factors, and the war led by the Zopai is an expression of the struggle of the dead superintelligence against the disease.

Shanda makes it clear to PAUTHOFAMY that she is dead. All the cities and their inhabitants disappear. All the Pan-Factors unite again into a sphere in space. This is transported by nail ships of the Spenta to the Ephemeral Gate. Shanda and Toufec fly there in Choursterc's star galleon. On the way they talk about the experience. Achiary had mentioned the term “time companions” in his report. It is related to the city of Aures, of whose Nanogent funds Delorian Rhodan makes use of today. Toufec explains that Delorian has endeavored to understand the true nature of superintelligence. He was looking for a "pattern" of superintelligence. PAUTHOFAMY had also spoken of such a pattern. Toufec does not believe that the Superintelligences are an inevitable result of cosmic evolution, because if higher entities are supposed to inevitably become Matter Sources or Matter Depressions - why are there so many dead superintelligences?

The Ephemeral Gate is a black hole from the early days of the universe recovered by QIN SHI. It forms a triangle with the Gills-Ghaulinc - twin suns. Shanda enters in telepathic contact with the Spenta and learns that they have created a white hole at the core of the Sun Gills, which they use as a source of raw materials. In the Sun Ghaulinc they create the Chrono-Lot out of Ephemeral matter, which makes the use of the black hole possible, because the Ephemeral Gate lies beyond the event horizon and is thus actually unattainable. At the moment of injection, a superintelligence’s corpse is decomposed into quark-sized particles. These Psitones are timeless and get a new chronological alignment from the Chrono-Lot, which means that they can be recovered from the future behind the event horizon and fed into the anomaly . They attach themselves to the outer skin of the anomaly and thus secure it to a limited extent. From several layers of Psitonen a meta-mental layer is created. However, there is nothing left of the superintelligence’s consciousnesses, so the meta-mental layer is unable to control the anomaly. This remains unstable, which leads to the prevailing hyper-chaos inside. A definitive stabilization would only be possible through the awakening of the anomaly to a Neuroversum.

Thus, it is clear that the task of the Terrans must be to conquer the Gills-Ghaulinc system. Whoever controls it, can bring the anomaly to collapse or further stabilize it. However, Shanda does not tell Toufec that she has learned more: in the awakening of the Neuroversum, the Dead Brain of the bridge world of Faland will have an important role to play ...

After feeding the Pan-Factors into the anomaly, the Sayporaner ship PÄRSTAIR is made available to the humans. It starts the trip home on December 12, 1469 NGE.


Well, here is the history of another dead superintelligence, The surrounding story reveals some information on the anomaly the Sol system is in, but most of it is technobabble, so that didn't really keep my interest. And the superintelligence's story seems to have no connection to current events, so this ended up being a filler issue for me. I wish the issue had been more gripping.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2676 The Chalkada Shrine

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Nr. 2676
Der Chalkada-Schrein
The Chalkada Shrine
by Christian Montillon

QIN SHI disappears in the direction of Escalian, leaving behind a power vacuum in Chanda that cannot be filled by either Kaowen's shrunken forces or by the Desperate Resistance that has broken out. In this situation, Högborn Trumeri sees his chance to help the Oracca race become supreme. He goes to the Chalkada Shrine, an ultimate power center that was hidden long ago. From the projection of an Orccameo, which belongs to a program run by the shrine and recognizes Trumeri as worthy, he receives a small spherical object with which he can bring Ramoz (and thus the fleet from the Cold Space) completely under his control. Gucky, who has followed Trumeri, observes this unnoticed and hides a tracking transmitter in Trumeri's ship.

Ramoz is plagued by visions. An Oraccameo claims that Högborn Trumeri is his new master. Through Rhodan, Ramoz has learned of Trumeri's intentions. He cannot defend himself against the Oracca, because he has a striking argument in the form of the small ball. With this device, he can always initiate the Reduction and turn Ramoz back into an animal.

A cone ship sent by Kaowen reaches the fleet and radiates waves of panic, but is destroyed by the MIKRU-JON. Nevertheless, Kaowen is now informed about the existence of the fleet. Perry Rhodan tries in vain to prevent another use of the World Scourge. Kaowen also arrives at the scene. The World Scourge does not interest him, for it has become meaningless to him. He attacks the MIKRU-JON. Rhodan just manages to escape. Without consulting Rhodan, Gucky teleports with Mondra Diamond into Kaowen’s RADONJU. The two want to try to sabotage the ship as Kaowen prepares to finally crush the Desperate Resistance...


This was a great issue, for my taste. There was plenty of developments to keep my interest and character interactions. Things are finally coming to a head in Chanda. Once this climaxes, they can turn to finishing up the World Scourge, then finally finish off QUIN SHI. I love it when a cycle closes. :D
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2677 Rhodan’s Decision

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Nr. 2677
Rhodan’s Decision
Rhodans Entscheidung
by Christian Montillon

Kaowen’s fifty thousand unit strong fleet is on its way to the assembly point of the Desperate Resistance. Mondra Diamond and Pucky try to sabotage the RADONJU and kill Kaowen but only put themselves at risk and are being hunted. They could have saved themselves the trouble, because Ramoz secretly pursues a reckless master plan. When the Xylthes reach the collection point, the Soul of the Fleet directs the unmanned, not fully operational starships in the middle of the enemy fleet as gigantic bombs. Thirty thousand Xylthen ships are wiped out, while the rest flee. The fact that some spaceships of the Resistance are destroyed, is considered by Ramoz as acceptable collateral damage. Triumph is somewhat denied him though, as Högborn Trumeri once again checks in and threatens Ramoz with the Reduction. For Ramoz it is clear: The Oracca must die.

Perry Rhodan has also made a decision. He wants to leave Chanda and follow QIN SHI into the anomaly. But before that, Mondra and Gucky have to be rescued. Ennerhahl is no help, as he goes immediately to the anomaly. Nemo Partijan succeeds in determining the next targets of the World Scourge. One of them is the Obliga system, an important Xylthe breeding world. Rhodan goes there with the MIKRU-JON. The RADONJU is already on site. Kaowen realizes that there is only one way to get rid of the annoying intruders. He directs the self-destruction of his flagship and gets ready to leave it with a sloop. For this purpose, however, he must emerge from the headquarters secured by an anti-Psi shield. Pucky is able to locate him. He teleports with Mondra into the sloop as it is leaving its home ship. Mondra shoots the Xylthe without hesitation, and shortly thereafter the RADONJU explodes.

In the meantime, Ramoz has hacked the MIKRU-JON’s systems and found out the location of the ORA equipped with Pucky's transmitter. Ramoz immediately flies to the hiding place of Trumeri's ship and destroys it, along with Trumeri. Thus, he is finally his own master, and with the starship fleet he has the greatest power in Chanda in his hands. With his help, Rhodan can drive out the World Scourge from the Obliga system. Pucky and Mondra return to the MIKRU-JON. Together with the starship fleet they now go to the anomaly where Ennerhahl waits. The World Scourge apparently also intends to dive into the anomaly. The MIKRU-JON is picked up by the light cell that attaches itself to the BASE sphere. While Ramoz’ starships keep the Xylthes assembled at the anomaly in check, all three ships fly into the anomaly. Somehow, QIN SHI seems to have merged with the anomaly. Rhodan and his companions are suddenly subject to a foreign influence…

Ramoz plans to seize power in Chanda. He awakens Kaowen's comatose original body, because he may need the help of the former Protector to get the galaxy under complete control.


Wow! This was an action packed issue, seeming to bring the Chanda portion of the cycle to a close. Some of the climaxes seemed a bit rushed, but overall this issue was a blast. I can't wait to see what comes next.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2678 The Wind Chimes of the Oraccameo

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The Wind Chimes of the Oraccameo
Das Windspiel der Oraccameo
Michael Marcus Thurner

In the distant past: The Oraccameo dominate half of the galaxy Chalkada. They wage a merciless war of extermination against the Kuippri who, with their explosive propagation, depopulate entire planets unless the Oraccameo intervene and pre-emptively destroy the worlds attacked by Kuippri larvae. The Kuippri have not developed space travel but is supported by a robot civilization whose only known goal is to destroy all life. War Minister Wörgut Gooswart keeps a consultant named Maran Dana Fogga, the last of its kind, who was once taken by Gooswart as a foundling and has received an artistic education. He entertains his master and serves as a counselor. In truth, he pursues a secret life plan and uses Gooswart and other high-level Orccameos as pawns.

Tion Youlder, the Supreme Lord of the Oraccameo, invites Gooswart and his rival, Ethics Minister Cofirazi Marturia, to witness the execution of three high ranking traitors. A new technique is used for the execution, which sucks the life energy from them, to theoretically save their consciousnesses in a small aggregate and fuse them together. Youlder informs his two guests that he wants to develop the "disembodiment" machine and someday use it to gain immortality for himself and their people. Gooswart, who plans to eliminate Yooulder to place himself at the top of the Oraccameos, sends Fogga to Youlder as a spy. Youlder sees through Gooswart’s intentions, so that a delicate balance arises. Youlder is protected by his Falcide canines and security technology, while Gooswart is safe as long as he has success in the fight against the Kuippri.

The experiments with the so-called World Scourge are initially not going well. Cofirazi uses this for a propaganda campaign against Youlder. On Fogga's advice, Gooswart takes the side of the topmost Oraccameo and eliminates Cofirazi. Gooswart and Fogga become more involved in the evolution of the World Scourge. Fogga leads the next experiments. At the same time, without Gooswarts knowledge, the Cold Space becomes developed, in which the majority of the fleet that will no longer be needed after the expected victory over the Kuippri is to be stored. This would simultaneously weaken Gooswart’s position of power. Time is short, because Youlder is meantime old and has not got much longer to live. At least that's what Gooswart believes until one day Youlder drops his mask. Due to advances in medical technology, the head Oraccameo is in fact still relatively young.

An unexpected chance for Gooswart arises as his Youlder’s space flight worthy security vault and its escort are attacked by superior units of the Kuippri. Fogga, who has infected three of Youlder’s Falcids with nanobots and taken control of them now has them attack Youlder, who dies. Gooswart takes his place. Under his leadership, the Chalkada Zasa pilots are created, who achieve great successes against the Kuippri. Fogga invents the legend of QIN SHI to prepare the Oraccameos for the forced spiritualization. The aging Gooswart gradually becomes Fogga's puppet.

Finally the time has come: The perfected World Scourges collect the life energy of four different races, so that four mental beings emerge and the fleet is relocated to the Cold Space. Finally, the Oraccameos are spiritualized down to a few tens of thousands of individuals. QIN SHI is born. Just before Gooswart’s consciousness content rises into QIN SHI, Fogga confesses the truth to him. He is an agent of the robot civilization, which wants to overthrow its most dangerous opponent, the Oraccameo. Fogga has ensured that QIN SHI cannot unite as planned with the other four entities. He intends QIN SHI to drift helplessly, stultify and finally dissolve after millions of years…


I usually have a hard time with alien history issues, but this one is truly exciting, with all kinds of intrigues going on and plenty of action. Hopefully, part two will be just as much fun.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2679 The Lord of the Faces

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Nr. 2679
The Lord of the Faces
Der Herr der Gesichter
von Marc A. Herren

Maran Dana Fogga made a mistake. He allowed QIN SHI to absorb his consciousness. Thus, the entity learns where its enemies are hiding, and can at least temporarily quench its insatiable hunger by killing Fogga's people - the Ememthians - and absorbing their life energy. QIN SHI depopulates other planets too, but is forced to periodically take long periods of sleep. In order not to have to search for suitable worlds again on awakening, it plans the use of the World Scourges and recruits auxiliary races that it always visits in the guise of their peers. The Xylthes become his most valuable henchmen. They promote the development of other intelligent races that are bred and then "harvested" by the World Scourges. Thus, Fogga’s plan finally fails. QIN SHI does not degenerate but continues to grow.

Although the cycle of eating and sleeping leads to QIN SHI becoming more and more powerful, its hunger does not decrease - on the contrary. In search of new food, the entity arrives at Anthuresta. QIN SHI depopulates a whole cluster of stars, but the absorbed energy is still not enough. Subsequently, QIN SHI annexes a world that turns out to be the SHIKAQIN biomechanical mainframe. With this, QIN SHI has found its "anchor". Wörgut Gooswart and most of the other spiritualized Oraccameos are fed into SHIKAQIN. The technicians responsible for the computer are androids. They are called Badakk, but are made into non-humanoid beings by genetic manipulation made by QIN SHI. This is to avoid conflicts with the Xylthes, to whom the Badakk were too physically similar.

Some time later, QIN SHI encounters the seemingly helpless entity Peregrin. The two talk. QIN SHI learns a lot about the construction of the Cosmos, the Moral Code and the Cosmocrats. When QIN SHI tries to absorb Peregrin, it realizes that it has been deceived. The foreign entity is far more powerful than QIN SHI and snatches the consciousness contents form it that it had eaten in Anthuresta because Anthuresta is one of Peregrin’s thickness concentrations. QIN SHI is extremely weakened and falls asleep from which it only awakens centuries later.

Through this experience, QIN SHI gains the realization that it is better to hide from other entities. Its auxiliary peoples are to create a safe retreat for it based on the model of the Cold Space. SIL is the first entity to be abused to stabilize such an anomaly. Later, only dead superintelligences are used for this purpose. At this time, QIN SHI encounters the galaxy Escalian. It realizes that the local superintelligence TANEDRAR emerged from those four entities with which it had wanted to unite shortly after its creation. This problem should be fixed, but the project requires careful preparation.

QIN SHI takes the Sayporans into its service, because it needs not only warriors and technicians, but also helpers whose strength is cunning and who know where to find more superintelligence corpses. Then QIN SHI encounters the designer Sholoubwa. QIN SHI deceives the creative robot in order to be able to use its BOTNETZ for its own purposes.

Thus ends QIN SHI’s life story. Perry Rhodan wonders why Peregrin/ES - has told QIN SHI so much about cosmic evolution. His thoughts are interrupted by QIN SHI's disappearance. QIN SHI has left the anomaly. Only the Multiversum Ocular prevents the anomaly from collapsing…


Well, i'm back from holiday vacation and made it through the history of of QUIN SHI. We learn how ancient events have reverberations in the present, and it was a fairly quick go. But I'll be happy to get back to present time action again next issue. Everything is finally coming together.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2680 The Awakening of the Unharmonious

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Volume No. 2680
The Awakening of the Unharmonious
Aufbruch der Unharmonischen
by Arndt Ellmer

Carmydea Yukk was appointed by Chancellor Melwai Vedikk as a mediator between TANEDRAR and the underground organization Jyrescaboro. She is to initiate negotiations with the Unharmonious and flies for this purpose to the planet Jyrescabat, which is managed by Carmydia's deputy Merveres Draupadi on the guard world of the Unharmonious. The crew of the SHEYAR switch to the Harmoniously manned GARRAN. Because they still distrust Carmydea, they hypnotize her for interrogation. Responsible for this is Security Chief Galoben Keann, and the board psychologist Pronk Trazyn, who happens to be Carmydia's lover.

Pronk Trazyn is the youngest member of an old, noble family. In the distant past, Duke Jyresca Trazyn preserved the galaxy Escalian against invaders from the people of the Ahl. Only his warriors armed with Syrr weapons were immune to the Techno-wave, which paralyzed Ahl's electronic and Positronic computer systems. Since the Syrr lichens would not tolerate the splinters of the superintelligence TANEDRAR, Jyrescas son Mauren refused to connect his people to the Realm of Harmony, and his people became Unharmonious, had to leave their home planet and burn down the Syrr lichen forest so that it would not fall into the Harmonious’ hands. On Jyrescabat, they set up a new homeland, welcomed like-minded people, and decided to join the armed resistance after a massacre by Harmonious.

More and more inhabitants of the Kingdom of Harmony suffer from nightmares. Draupadi's Jyrescaboro subordinates attribute this to an imminent invasion. It is assumed that the enemy will come from the anomalies that have been appearing. Draupadi and his people also believe that Carmydea was brainwashed and was sent to lead TANEDRAR's henchmen to Jyrescabat. The planet is therefore evicted. The headquarters of the Jyrescaboro is relocated to another world. Carmydea and her companions are forced to move to the KROURE and undergo new interrogations. Draupadi announces that he wants to depose Carmydea.

Suddenly all crew members have visions of faces that resemble their own on the walls. Carmydea realizes that the Unharmonies are under alien influence. Responsibility for this is carried by Sholoubwa, who has supplied the resistance organization for a long time with devices that allow the Unharmonious to move undetected among the Harmonious. These devices now force the Unharmonious under a foreign will. Sholoubwa - or rather one of his robotic externalities - is still active, and the name of his true Lord, who is now the Lord of all Unharmonious, is QIN SHI. Carmydea knows she is being influenced, yet she will work for the enemy superintelligence from now on. She orders the immediate mobilization of the Unharmonious...


I have mixed feelings about this issue. They match the split timeline of the story. The historical portion involving the Syrr plant technology
did not really pull my interest, while the current period's events did. And then the twist at the end was a masterful surprise, which I really enjoyed.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2681 World of Hate

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Volume No. 2681
World of Hate
Welt aus Hass
by Leo Lukas

Alaska Saedelaere and Eroin Blitzer infiltrate the SCREW-B into the World ship and fly to the world Tolmar, on which Sholoubwa’s information indicated that Samburi Yura was to be located. The planet seems to be uninhabited. There are numerous fortresses, industrial plants and the like. Much is destroyed, as if battles had taken place. Minor energy developments are located. Sixteen technical objects float in orbit - Paradim accumulators, as it turns out later. Saedelaere goes to the planet's surface for reconnaissance purposes while Blitzer waits in the World ship.

They do not know that they have been watched since they arrived. The planet is the refuge of the entity Tafalla - defeated by Saedelaere – who gave the planet the name Elicon. Tafalla was split into many fragments that had to find each other again. This was what caused the destruction all around this world. The entity is even more mentally disrupted than before and full of hate for the Cosmocrats and all their servants like Samburi Yura. He now masters Sholoubwa's technical legacies in which he has manifested himself. When Saedelaere activates the energy supply of a building and enters the search term "Samburi Yura" in a computer system, Tafalla recalls the mask bearer and plans Alaska’s destruction. Tafalla contacts Saedelaere under a false name (he uses the name of the planet, Elicon) and tries to manipulate Alaska for his purposes.

Although Saedelaere suspects something very quickly, he still allows Tafalla - as the entity desires - to contact the Paradim accumulators, to strengthen himself and call Samburi Yura in Alaska's name. She appears from a time well. Saedelaere's joy is short-lived, because the woman he has been looking for so long is dismissive towards him and not pleased with the reunion. However, the two must work together to defeat Tafalla. They are put into a kind of parareality, in which Tafalla attacks them. However, the entity has made a mistake, because this place is his core, and here Samburi Yura can effectively attack Tafalla. She removes the Cappin fragment from Saedelaere’s face and flings it at the entity. The energies of the fragment and the parareality work together to create a dimensional prison where Tafalla should now be trapped by Samburi Yura's will forever.

Samburi Yura prepares to leave and gives Saedelaere the opportunity to join her. Disillusioned with the knowledge that he was only being used by her, he refuses; this is not the woman he was once fascinated by. In addition, the Terran can feel Tafalla’s torment. After Samburi Yura disappears through a Paradim-window, Alaska uses the still existing connection to the Cappin Fragment to release Tafalla from his agony. The entity collapses and dies. The Cappin fragment returns to Saedelaeres face. Alaska returns to the World ship...


Whew! A really fun issue, but it was accompanied by quite a turn of events. All those issues ago (issue 2538), Alaska started this supposed rescue mission, and look how it turned out. What a slap in the face. The poor guy just has no luck. I'm very interested in seeing what happens to him next.

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