Synopsis by jerry

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Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2792 Dark Fever

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Nr. 2792
Dark Fever

by Uwe Anton

Atlan and Bostich manage independently operating commando teams in the Baag system. To disguise the Galactics' true goal of conquering the CHUVANC, Bostich and his team's four Proto-Hetostes use the Emperor's personal override codes to infiltrate the flagship GOS'TUSSAN II, which is on the moon Kaokish, unnoticed and put it into lock down mode. Bostich enabled the ship's Katsugo combat robots, located about 516 Onryone's on board and has them and their Toloceste rounded up and disarmed. In order to frighten the occupiers, Bostich forces their commander Vlenccen Scoy into a duel. The Arkonide faces the Onryone equipped with an emitter unarmed, but Scoy has no chance. Bostich is superhumanly responsive, dodges the shots and kills Scoy with his bare hands. He then staged an attack with EPPRIK robot ships against the naval base. For the minions of the Atopic Tribunal it has to look like the GOS'TUSSAN II is fleeing from the attackers into space. However, the trick is quickly understood. Persecutors put the GOS'TUSSAN II in trouble. Bostich has to recognize that he will not be able to leave the Baag system. He is determined not to go back to captivity, he would rather die.

The transformation of the planet Arkon III into an Atopic Conductor, which has the same function as the Cosmoglobes in Larhatoon, has been completed. Atlan is horrified, but the next step is being taken as planned. Atlan's team lands on the planet Naat. There Eldhoverd shows symptoms, that make Atlan suspect that the Kelosker was infected with the Dark Fever by two rescued Onryones. The Kelosker is so bad that the group must return to the SIMILDE immediately. Atlan could have spared them the mission: The pathogens can be isolated from Eldhoverd. Gholdorodyn takes the Crane to the CHUVANC to spread the pathogen there. He also takes a look around there and learns that the Atope's ship is steered by seven Genifers. Their spokesperson is named Horgal Voccoryc. Two Genifers possess para-skills and are known as para pioneers. Due to the short incubation period of the Dark Fever, the first Onryones are soon brought out of the CHUVANC as expected by Atlan. His camouflaged team causes confusion in the quarantine station and kidnaps an infected Onryone woman. But the time to rendezvous with the TLS ship CHOULYNGER'S HOMESTEAD passed long ago. So how is SIMILDE supposed to get out of the Baag system?

In this situation, the dying Eldhoverd takes the lead again. He remains in the SIMILDE and distracts the Onryones by heading for Luna, while the rest of the crew can be transferred by the Crane to the GOS'TUSSAN II. Eldhoverd fires interference radiation with the Crane. The Atopic Conductor defends itself by sending out a kind of black lightning, which affects the on-board computers of all spaceships in the wide area. The LAURIN ship explodes, but shortly before the Crane appears in the double-chalice ship - without the Kelosker. The GOS'TUSSAN II leaves the system through a structure lock in the Repulsor Wall. Bostich then intends to go to the Imperatrice Ariga Academy on Dondorkon to procure a new crew for his flagship, assemble a fleet and take care of the new Tamanium. On August 1, 1517 NGE, Eldhoverd's friends hold a funeral service. They honor the Kelosker, who sacrificed himself for them by baptizing the singularity 77/3 between M-13 and the Milky Way in the name of Eldhoverd's Infinity.

Uwe gave us another god issue. It was nice to see a mission succeed, although the price was high. Gholdorodyn will have to grow up quickly now. The poor guy.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2793 The Master World Builders

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The Master World Builders
Die Weltenbaumeister
By Oliver Fröhlich

Perry Rhodan returns to the Sol system, but few people other than Solar Premier Cai Cheung find out about it. The three captured Genifers are housed in the Para-Bunker on Saturn's moon Mimas. Vayden Cenneroyd, the Onryone from the CHUVANC, is willing to cooperate once they cure her. It becomes clear that Genifers work very much like Emotionauts. ANANSI, LAOTSE and OTHERWISE come to the conclusion that within four to three months only four people who are in the Sol system can be ready to take the place of Genifers in the Atope ship: the Nosmoner Samu Battashee (a possibly not entirely reliable student of the Terrania Fleet Academy ), Tauro Lacobacci (the First Pilot of the RAS TSCHUBAI ), Farye Sepheroa and Avan Tacrol. They are all ready to start training.

Rhodan learns from Andorrh Mikael, the Deputy Director of the TLS, that nobody knows how many Jajs are still hiding in the Sol system. Orion Mirek Desch leads the search for the shapeshifters of the Atopic Tribunal but has so far not been successful. After all, the Onryones of the ZAATRO, the Space Father of the Sol system, are peaceful. Mikael also has a liaison there, his name is Torin Khambatta. Since Rhodan cannot risk the Jajs spying on his plans, he personally participates in the hunt. He puts on a body mask and becomes Orion Desch's new partner. The two review reports of unusual incidents and become aware of the death of a certain Ivar Colorti. The TLS had its sights set on the man before, because he campaigned for a group of holosionists who, at his instigation, received permission to present their interactive works of art in the Holo Museum of the Solar Residence. Desch and Rhodan now suspect the holosionists of being involved in the possible murder of Colorti.

In truth, the Tefroder secret service is behind the matter. Lipata Dhezeb has been set upon the holosionist Fernand Beaujean under the code name Liya Debbouze. Blinded by love, the young man made it possible for the agent and her partner Orgon Pernell, to manipulate the synaptic stimulators. These devices convey sensory impressions so that the holograms look completely real. Their impulses were strengthened in such a way that they harm museum visitors. Liya Debbouze is on site. After murdering her lover and all of his colleagues, she leaves the Residence unnoticed. Panic breaks out there. Desch and Rhodan try to help. To limit damage, the energy supply must be switched off. However, the security systems are also paralyzed. Rhodan causes the Residence to be lowered into the case. He thus plays into the hands of Pernell, who has deposited a bomb in Residence Lake. The landed Residence is shaken by an explosion, and Pernell enters.

Just in time, Rhodan realizes that all of these events are just for distraction and what Pernell really intends to do. The assassin is already in the process of feeding Balpirol protein conductors into the LAOTSE’s supply system. With Gucky's help, Rhodan can prevent the Posbi viruses from becoming active at the last moment and making the Solar Residence's computer an enemy of the Terrans. Desch shoots Pernell dead. Rhodan is happy to tell his partner who he really is. But he first receives a message from Gucky, who urgently advises him against doing so.

This was a fun filler issue, with plenty of action, but is destined to not bother being put into the Silver hardcovers. Very little happens that is important to the cycle. It will just be summarized in a few paragraphs. :>
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2794 The Jaj Hunter

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The Jaj Hunter
Jäger der Jaj

By Michelle Stern

As Gucky teleported with Orion Desch from the Solar Residence, he found that something is wrong with the TLS Agents. His supervisor Andrausch Mikael - a hardliner is unhappy with Cai Cheung when he tries to tighten all the surveillance measures for the search for the Jajs, which would entail a restriction on the personal rights of citizens - grants his chief investigator extensive access rights to AGENT GRAY, the computer in the TLS tower. For the Jaj hunt, Gucky recruits Benner, Farye Sepheroa and Gholdorodyn. The Kelosker has finished a little piece of handicraft again: an indetectable spy probe, which he calls Eldhoverd's Eye. When examining Orion Desch's past, it is found that he had a glider accident in 1515 NGE, in which his girlfriend died. At that time, Desch was treated in the Paramaribo Central clinic. Gucky's team finds out that the crash was not an accident. Most likely, Desch was simulated at the time, with this action involving at least two shapeshifters. The second one has assumed the identity of a medical student whose remains are discovered on the clinic grounds.

Meanwhile, two TLS agents become active in the Space Father ZAATRO. The Siganese Contact historian Quella Feofee and her colleague Torin Khambatta have been received as part of the Terran team of scientists that are investigating TAFALLA’s corpse buried in Sol. Particular attention is paid to the seal, which - as has been assumed up to now - was applied by ARCHETIM in the sun. Such seals are known to the Onryones, they refer to it as Dyznurg. Chief Scientist Voyac Shedshed explains that the seal had stabilized ARCHETIM’s body and, in conjunction with the superintelligence’s corpse, had turned the sun into a six-dimensionally shining jewel, but the seal was much older than twenty million years. The seal now also serves as a 6D - "receptacle" for TAFALLA, but this entity was not a full-fledged superintelligence and does not fit the Dyznurg. The two agents stage a diversion to feed malicious code into the Genius of the ship. The insertion succeeds and the Terrans can now take over the Space Father completely at any time. Khambatta also comes across information that he smuggles out of the ship. It says that the planet Venus should have been converted into an Atopic Conductor according to the original plan of the Atopic Tribunal. This plan was discarded due to the sun seal. Khambatta paid for the action with his life.

Gucky's team observes with Eldhoverd's Eye how Orion Desch and his colleague Cyrus Duru stop the Tefroder assassin Liya Debbouze in New Atlantis and kill her in cold blood. A Jaj base mass is discovered in Duru's apartment. Telepathically, Pucky realizes that there are at least three types of Jaj. Desch is a so-called Bountiful ( Leza Vlyoth also belongs in this category), which means that he originated from original Laren twins or triplets and can split his body matter. The Jaj attacks the team and flee. It becomes clear that Gucky was his real goal. The shapeshifters would be only too happy to simulate the Multimutant in order to be able to take on his skills. The Jajs flee to the TLS tower to realize their original plan. They want to steal all the information stored in AGENT GRAY that they can. The tower is partly under the control of the Jajs. There are violent fights in which Perry Rhodan also participates. It turns out that there is still a third simulator. The latter killed Andrack Mikael and took his shape. Desch is shot, but a separated part of his body remains alive. It will be examined later. Gucky teleports the other two Jajs, who wanted to kill Rhodan. The mousebeaver has not yet mastered his new gift properly. This time he finds himself in the same unreal landscape that Lan Meota always had to cross in his pain teleportation. He loses contact with the two Jajs. They blow away into nothing, but Gucky first learns from their thoughts that there are no other simulators in the Sol system. Gucky rematerializes alone after several minutes.

I loved this issue! Gucky and his team really got the job done and there was plenty of TLS Service action. I hope it continues like this.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Ockham's World
Ockhams Welt
By Wim Vandemaan

During the abduction of the Ordic Stele of Allema the Onryone Boyton Holtorrec, commander of the Space Father CLOSSOY lost his life. But nobody knows anything about it, because TLS Chief Attilar Leccore, a Koda Aratier – a shapeshifter, has assumed his identity. After the Atopic Tribunal has seen through the Terran deception and found that there is a replica of a stele on Allema, Holtorrec / Leccore, of all people, receives the order to get the original back. He realizes that he has to fulfill this task, because, to his surprise, the Atopic Tribunal determined precisely Occam World as one of three possible hiding places for the stele, and it had been delivered there by the CALLISTO-Tender MAVEN JOHN PONCIUS. Leccore does what he can to inform the scientists from Ockham's World in time. He sends Findar Hospallen, a TLS agent who is an assessor of the Fracowitz banking house, to warn the incumbent Maven Bacoon Jicarilla. Hospallen sets off on a civil freighter, but it all goes wrong. The Tesqire Ayqoy personally confronts him. Hospallen defends himself and is shot dead by a combat robot. Thus, the Space Pack commanded by Holtorrec / Leccore reaches Ockham's World on September 29, 1517 NGE without any warning.

In Ockham's World, in the system of Peuerbach's Star, which is considered a restricted area, a small colony of scientists is working on various secret projects of the LFT. The most important object on the planet is JASON, one of the last Dolans. It is located not far from Cape Babbage, the only human settlement on the world dominated by insectoid life forms. The Halutian medic Troven Lanc discovered the half-dead bio-organic spaceship centuries ago in the halo of the Milky Way, abandoned by the Vibration Monitor and with dead or dying Executors. Lanc saved the Dolan using his own stem cells. He sought cooperation with the LFT 200 years ago. That's how JASON came to Ockham's World. It was equipped with synthetic pseudo-consciousnesses that have taken on the role of Executors. There are only five of them though; the Executors No. 1 and 2 required for space flight are missing, because the positions are too complicated for simple stem cell grown masses. Lanc and the Oxford- born cybernopsychologist Yemaya Shango are » anchor people« for the Dolan. An inhibition was grafted onto the Executors, which ensures that they cannot detach themselves from their anchors. From a distance of a few tens of thousands of kilometers, the synthetic consciousness would fail and the Dolan would perish. This ensures that JASON stays in Ockham's World.

The scientists are given a hint by the stele that the Onryones were saved by the Atopic Tribunal in the distant past of the Milky Way from a potential disaster. Since then they have loyally worked for the Tribunal.

For months the scientists have been trying more or less in vain to get a reasonable conversation with the stele. The stele is not hostile to people, but mostly makes cryptic remarks. Ultimately, however, it allows the scientists to carefully drill a sample with nanogents. It can be determined that there is a cavity in the stele. The Patronite shell is uneven, only a few millimeters thick layer containing tt-progenitors with embedded Hypercrystals. These five - and six-dimensional radiating layer makes a condensate of hypercrystals and six-dimensionally vibrating metal in the cavity into an unknown state of matter. This sextadim condensate requires an environment cooled to minus 271.2 degrees Celsius and is most likely the bearer of the stele consciousness.

The scientists are given a hint by the stele that the Onryones were saved by the Atopic Tribunal in the distant past of the Milky Way from a potential disaster. Since then they have loyally worked for the Tribunal.

The Dolan registers the arrival of the Space Pack in time so that Cape Babbage can go into hiding. Leccore continues to play his dangerous game. He personally lands on Ockham's World, accompanied by Cythor Govveryd, the CLOSSOY security advisor. Leccore and Govveryd encounter an intelligent collective being made up of countless Honwayden beetles. This recognizes that something is different about Leccore, which Govveryd now realizes. He attacks his commander, but the combat glider, with whom the two landed, has no reason to doubt "Holtorrec’s" authenticity and protects him by killing Govveryd. To the other Onryones, Leccore portrays the security adviser as a traitor and that he has to look for the stele alone because he cannot trust anyone now. In his absence, Khellden Occaryos, commander of Space Father WICCNOOD, takes command. Leccore fears that it he wants to thwart his intentions and has little time to save the situation. He copies the Honwayde collective and uses this form to contact the residents of Port Babbage without revealing his true identity. Knowing things only a senior TLS member can know, the Maven trusts him.

The stele noticed Govveryd's death. To avoid further suffering, it is ready to take part in a new deception. For this purpose, however, Yemaya Shango, who is already fatally ill, must also die. Her consciousness and that of the stele should be migrated into the Dolan. "Holtorrec" could then fulfill its mission, but it would not be possible for the stele consciousness to be questioned by the Atopic Tribunal. Shango suffers from the incurable Neverland disease and would soon suffer a terrible death anyway. After the transfer of her consciousness (she takes over the vacant position of the Executor for navigation and cosmonautics), her body is prepared in such a way that the Onryones have to look as if "Holtorrec" tortured her to find out where the stele is. The cavity inside the stele is heated, which leads to its consciousness also being transferred to the Dolan, taking the second Executor position. The stele, sent unnoticed during a particularly violent solar eruption by transmitter to the MAVEN JOHN PONCIUS that has kept hidden until now in the system. The crew leaves the tender, which then starts and is destroyed by the Onryones, as planned. Thus »Holtorrec« wins back the stele, for which he later is promoted by Matan Addaru Jabarim to deputy of the new commander-in-chief of the Baag system. The stele is "empty", but since the Onryones know practically nothing about Ordic stelae, they cannot explain its silence. It is to be handed over to the Sganshanum on Luna.

Since there is an anchor person on board, the Dolan is free to travel. He leaves Ockham's World, which the Onryones do not prevent. Cape Babbage remains undetected.

This was an exciting issue for me. Between the intrigue, the action and the surprise return of a Dolan, it was a lot of fun. I do wonder if JASON will show up again, though.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2796 Ultima Margo

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Ultima Margo
By Leo Lukas

The Atopic Tribunal appears to be invincible. The aiding races of the Atopes have access to unlimited supplies and are capable of technical services, of which the Galactics can only dream of. The Atopes themselves are invulnerable, powerful individuals with spaceships, against which the strongest units and largest fleets of the Terrans and Arkonides can do nothing. The Terrans are failing miserably even in training battles currently taking place at the Neo-Ganymede construction site, where parts of the CHUVANC have been recreated.

But as strong as an opponent may be - sometimes they have an Achilles heel. In the case of the Atopic Judge Chuv, these are the Naats. Chuv has a weakness for these people, possibly not least because he is partly a Naat himself. In October 1517 NGE he gave Shekval Genneryc the order to set up a long range transmission portal in the Naata system, with which the Naats living there should be able to return to their original home, the Baag system. The Naata system belongs to the Naat Federation, and the main world is Naatsdraan. There were seven Ordic stelae built there. The TLS agents Kleif Hannsen and Lisher Vincallen are active in the capital Pattnaat. Hannsen is a Terran who has been transferred there as punishment, Vincallen is an Arkonide deserter who used to work for the Tu-Ra-Cel. So neither may belong to the first guard of the TLS, but they provide Perry Rhodan and Atlan with important information about current events in the Naata system. They work together with the Naat Kulgneeck, a corrupt media expert who got on the wrong track and got into trouble with two warring extremist groups. The leaders of the Arkonide loyalists and the Pa-ag-di protest groups are after him, after they discover he I helping both sides against the other. Hannsen and Vincallen are his only hope of rescue. The TLS agents assure him of their help and thus have the Naat in hand for the time being. With his help, they find out that the transmitter portal uses a hyper-material lock through the otherwise impenetrable Crystal Screen / Repulsor Wall that seals off the Baag system. The Naat immigrants will arrive on Zhusha, the 18th planet of the Baag system, in the Land of Collthark, a former Arkonide naval base that is being converted into a reception center.

The information from the Naata system are the last pieces of the puzzle that are still needed to complete the Ultima Margo (»Final Frontier«) project. This is how Perry Rhodan and Atlan describe a four-stage plan, the ultimate goal of which is to advance into the Lands Beyond Time. To achieve this goal, the Galactics must gain control of the CHUVANC and use Chuv for their own purposes. At the same time, a support command is to be smuggled into the Baag system via the remote transmitter from the Naata system via Collthark. Point one of the plan is to lure Chuv out of the Baag system. Bostich, from whom Rhodan receives override codes for the Land of Collthark, will do this. A combined fleet of Terrans, Posbis and the New Galacticum will attack the steles on Naatsdraan. To make the attack seem credible, Bostich insists on using the Teslym projectile. The prototype of this weapon, whose destructive power still eclipses that of a SHIVA demolition bomb, is to be fired against Naatsdraan - rumors about the existence of the weapon must of course first make the rounds. The projectile can only move at less than light speed. Bostich therefore assumes that the CHUVANC will intercept the projectile in good time. With this he dispels Rhodan's concerns. In addition, the Arkonide receives some Libro Drones for his fleet. As for Chuv, Rhodan and his friends depend on the help of the Mantar Healer Zheobitt. The Ara is represented in the negotiations by his "son" (in truth a clone) Zhardang and already has an idea. He is developing an optogenetic agent, a protein construct that is supposed to penetrate the aAtope’s body via a carrier virus. The OptAg can then be controlled by light signals and manipulate Chuv's brain. Zheobitt's price consists of upgrading the CENTRIFUGE II with Hawk IV converters and revealing the last known coordinates of Wanderer.

Rhodan and Atlan put on body masks in order to be able to be personally active on Naatsdraan. They will reach the planet on October 26th with the SAMY GOLDSTEIN, a battle cruiser of the RAS TSCHUBAI. Shiona Varmdalen, the LFT's new ambassador to the Naat Federation, is also on board. With a clever move, the woman from Oxtorne diverts Shekval Genneryc 's attention from the SAMY GOLDSTEIN. The transmitter portal will be activated for the first time on October 28th. The return settlers traveling with barges, ellipsoidal missiles made from Patronite that offer space for 100 people each and cannot be controlled from the inside. Kulgneeck is one of the first Naats to be transferred to the Baag system and is allowed to look around there. When he returned the following day, he was able to report that no hypertech could be taken into the launch. So it is a matter of hijacking such a vehicle first. Kulgneeck has to help the Terrans one more time and find 99 trustworthy Naats. Everyone should carry a part of a machine constructed by Sichu Dorksteiger with them into the launch, which will then be assembled inside. This can interfere with the remote control of the launch. When Zhardang presented five dispensers with the finished genetic weapon on November 2nd, all preparations were completed. Fleet formations gather near the Naata system. November 14, when the attack on the stelae is due to begin, is approaching. On the eve of the crucial appointment, Atlan, following a recommendation from Gucky, called on the services of the Proto-Hetoste Pey-Ceyan. The Laren woman is a Life Light and has the gift of providing relaxation and some kind of pastoral support to her clients. With this strength, Atlan is ready to tackle the climax of the first phase of Ultima Margo…

We are now in the final sprint and everything is being put in place. I enjoyed the issue, but can't say that it was very tense inducing. Still, it's just first of what looks like four parts, so that is not surprising.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2797 The Land of Collthark

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

The Land of Collthark
Das Land Collthark
By Leo Lukas

Phase one of the Ultima Margo plan is proceeding successfully. Bostich takes the opportunity to make his return to the Galactic stage public. The attack on the planet Naatsdraan starts on November 14, 1517 NGE. The combined fleet of Galactics is temporarily causing great distress to the Onryonic space packs. Then the Teslym projectile is fired from the GOS'TUSSAN II. No Onryonic unit could intercept the missile now and it is not a dummy. Naatsdraan is on the verge of extinction, but hope takes hold as Chuv personally appears with his ship, as intended. At literally the last minute the CHUVANC flies into the trajectory of the projectile. This explodes, but the destructive energies are rendered harmless by the superior protective screen of the Atopic ship. Now Perry Rhodan and his companions can put themselves in the CHUVANC with Gholdorodyn's Crane. It does so on November 16th, while the fleet is conducting a diversionary attack on the remote transmitter portal. Rhodan's group has dispensers with the optogenetic agent with them. The drug must be administered to Chuv somehow, after which it should be possible to control him like a puppet.

At the same time, a barge is hijacked. Kulgneeck has hired 99 more or less crazy but trustworthy Naats from the Arkon Loyalist faction, who now act as passengers on the barge. To the Onryones, it must appear that the barge has run into trouble and has been rescued by a Terran diplomatic cruiser. The launch is transferred to the RAS TSCHUBAI unnoticed and prepared for infiltration purposes by Sichu Dorksteiger's team. Disabled TARA battle robots and powerful teams are included. Sichu Dorksteiger also goes on board. The aim is to take over the Land of Collthark training station with the help of the priority codes received from Bostich. These must be entered on site in the Brass World. Also in the party are Kulgneeck and the old Naat Duur-Jefon, who was so enthusiastic about facing Atlan that he could not be brushed off. When the Galactics get into trouble in the training facilities of the former naval base after the launch of the barge to the Land of Collthark, Duur-Jefon sacrifices himself to buy his new friends time.

Matan Addaru Jabarim charges one of his best men to scrutinize what is going on at Zhusha: Boyton Holtorrec. The spaceship commander has made himself suspicious by various strange behaviors while crewing his ship but carries out the order to the complete satisfaction of his superiors. With NATHAN’s help, he proves that not celebrating Naats, but hostile Galactics have penetrated the Baag system. He threatens the Galactics into surrendering and arrests them. But in doing so he is actually helping the intruders, whom he is able to deal with by mentioning a non-existent Papa-Legba maneuver. Like the lunar hyperinpotronic before, they recognized that Holtorrec is actually TLS Chief Attilar Leccore. In fact, the Galactics failed to feed in the priority codes. That is only possible in the central tower of the Land of Collthark - and this is exactly where Holtorrec / Leccore brings its prisoners in order to be able to “interrogate them personally”...

The plot thickens and we are well on our way to the end of the 2700's. There is plenty of fun to have here. It will be interesting to see how long Leccore can keep up his deception. And I had forgotten that Dorksteiger is fully militarily trained. Only two issues to go. I can't wait to see how this section wraps up. It's clear that the overall Atopic Tribunal story is continuing next cycle, so I'm not expecting any major wrapups.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2798 Phase 3

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Phase 3
By Oliver Fröhlich

A boarding crew, led by Perry Rhodan, Atlan and Avestry-Pasik, along with Terran space landing soldiers, Proto-Hetostes and fighting robots, penetrates in two waves into the CHUVANC. Rhodan has Gucky and the pseudo-Genifers Avan Tacrol, Farye Sepheroa and Samu Battashee with him. Their goal is the command center. Jugge Chuv is there and the Atope must be dosed as soon as possible with the optogenetic agents to be made docile. But the headquarters has its own high-quality protective screen, which is an insurmountable obstacle for Gholdorodyn's Crane. The groups re-materialize at various points and first have to orientate themselves. There are violent attacks by robots that appear to form from the walls of the ship. Also Onryones in Patronite armor make life difficult for the invaders. There is no going back, because the CHUVANC is wrapped in a Repulsor Wall.
It is precisely in this situation that Battashee is haunted by memories of a traumatic childhood experience that he had repressed for years as a result of therapy. That is exactly what hindered his Genifer training, so the mental barriers begin to be torn down. Battashee believes that he sees his dead sister and separates from the group. Farye follows him. Both come across a kind of factory in which the enemy robots, presumably consisting of tt-progenitors, are recycled. Battashee overcomes his problems in time to save Farye's life and destroy the facility. Then the two are captured. Nevertheless, they gave the boarding party some space to maneuver.
It turns out that Pey-Ceyan is a telepath. It is thanks to her gift that the boarding party escapes a trap. Nevertheless, there are heavy losses. Pucky uses his new teleporter ability, but is hindered by an immaterial web. He tracks down a Toloceste from whom he learns that the entire ship is criss-crossed by this web. The threads are even visually perceptible and look extremely fine but contain their own universes of enormous dimensions. They are called syncaverns and contain, among other things, the trans-chronic drive. Rhodan comes up with the idea of storing the RAS TSCHUBAI in a syncavern after the CHUVANC has been hijacked.
When the boarding party is about to be overwhelmed by a superior force, Pucky puts everything on one card. Although he pushes the pain teleportation to the extreme, he penetrates the shield of the Headquarters and uses the second of Lan Meota’s inherited Para-abilities to make a move to send a dispenser with the Atope virus directly into Chuv’s body. In addition, Pucky realizes that Chuv and his ship form a unit. The virus works - when Rhodan and some companions captured, they can influence the Judge. They get themselves brought before the Judge, with no resistance. Rhodan's people take control of the Headquarters, but Chuv's secretary Yuunüs Phörn moves into a syncavern. He now represents a factor of uncertainty for the conquerors. On November 17, 1517 NGE, Atlan takes a seat on the CHUVANC commander's chair. This completes Phase 3 of Ultima Margo…

Here it is, the penultimate issue to the cycle and all hell breaks loose. Just the way I like it! :D It looks like they want to torture Gucky again, modifying his powers. The wacky weirdness of Tribunal technology might take center stage next issue, with the properties of the syncaverns, but hopefully not for long. I can't wait to find out.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

2799 To the Final Frontier

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

No. 2799

To the Final Frontier
Zur letzten Grenze

By Oliver Fröhlich & Christian Montillon

Perry Rhodan's team has taken over the CHUVANC. Rhodan has been recognized as the commander and Chuv is under control, but no one outside of the Atope’s ship has noticed anything yet. The Onryonic crew will be ejected with a sloop, which will only be able to inform someone about the hijacking of the CHUVANC in a few days. Only the para-engineers Tropor and Gillipor Latta as well as the Tolocestes stay on board. The three pseudo-Genifers quickly familiarize themselves with the controls. The RAS TSCHUBAI will be moved to a syncavern and can thus take part in the journey to the Lands Beyond Time. But there are three obstacles to this. Yuunüs Phörn is also in the syncaverns and represents a factor of uncertainty, the CHUVANC has to return to the Baag system in order to be able to fly into the Synchrony via the Atopic Conductor, and Sichu Dorksteiger's combat group is still on the Land of Collthark.

While the transfer of the CHUVANC is being prepared through the transmitter portal in the Naata system, Gucky and Pey-Ceyan form a para-block to track down Phörn and try to eliminate him. Gucky's para-abilities have changed again through contact with the Repulsor Wall of the CHUVANC Headquarters. He succeeds in penetrating the syncaverns with the Laren and Gholdorodyn. But with his half armor Phörn is superior to his opponents and he also knows all the secrets of CHUVANC. So Gucky cannot prevent Phörn from attacking the Atope from the syncavern and inflicting life-threatening wounds to him. Gucky makes mental contact with the Tolocestes and makes it clear to them that Phörn is about to destroy the CHUVANC, because the ANC of the ship and the judge form a unit. With the help of the Tolocestes, Gucky succeeds in putting himself into Phörn's armor and pushing him out of the syncaverns. After that, the mouse-beaver feels burned out, as if he has lost all his para-abilities. Phörn materializes in the Headquarters and damages the medo-robot taking care of Chuv. Now the fate of the Atope is sealed - he dies. So the CHUVANC no longer exists. The ANC determines Atlan to be his new life part. The ship is now the ATLANC and it regards the return to the Lands Beyond Time as its new mission.

Phörn flees. Rhodan pursues him, pulls his half armor off his body and is finally forced to shoot the secretary. The ATLANC has now arrived in the Baag system. Matan Addaru Jabarim is not deceived and attacks the ATLANC with the 233-COLPCOR. Samu Battashee, who controls the weapons systems, discovers that the ATLANC refuses to fire at full force at another Judge’s ship. The 233-COLPCOR has no such obstacles. In this situation, Attilar Leccore alias Boyton Holtorrec tips the scales. He calls on all Onryonic units to protect the supposed CHUVANC, because the 233-COLPCOR has been conquered by the Terrans. He transmits a set of coordinates to the ATLANC. Dorksteiger’s group is located at the designated point. Gholdorodyn brings them by the Crane in the ATLANC. Now the Atopic Conductor is approached. YLA makes contact and activates the Atopic Portal. Dorksteiger's team used Bostich's priority codes to activate four Fragment ships parked on the Land of Collthark, adding to the confusion. But despite everything, there is not enough time. The 233-COLPCOR bombards the ATLANC with hyper-cascades against which even the Repulsor Wall does not offer permanent protection. Matan Addaru Jabarim is absolutely ruthless. Some Onryone ships and the planet Zhusha are destroyed. At the last moment, the portal ring expands and literally soaks up the ATLANC so that it can no longer be reached by the hyper-cascades.

Matan Addaru Jabarim contacts "Holtorrec" in the Space Father CLOSSOY. The Atope has seen through the shapeshifter. The Genifer Thaivva Kholleqo keeps Leccore in check with an emitter. It's game over, she says. However, the Koda Aratian comments that, no, it has only just begun...

Well, it comes to the final battle to make it to the Lands Beyond Time and plenty happens n this issue, but nothing is resolved. The Terrans have a ship and begin the passage to the other side. However, Leccore is left captive, the Moon is still under Atopic control and we have no idea how the Resistance is doing, Bostich is left behind, and so on.
This really did not feel like a cycle end, but just the end of a chapter. I don't know how good a pickup point 2800 was for new readers, but it must have been harder than normal.
Still, overall this cycle was a blast to read and I'm glad I'm still at it.
Beiträge: 278
Registriert: 17. März 2013, 22:35

What's next?

Beitrag von jerrys109 »

Hello everyone,
I'm in a bit of a quandary on what to do next. The major reason I've been translating the Perrypedia summaries, was to put them up on Cedric Beust's Perry Rhodan summary site, so that English readers had something available. However, he has been doing his own summaries since issue 2800, so there is no need for me to do so.
Is there a need for me to keep translating the Perrypedia entries as I read the issues? Cedric's summaries are publically available at and it's easy enough for you to run the German Perrypedia entries through online translation.

What do you people think? I'd be glad to hear your opinions.

Jerry Schneiderman
Beiträge: 8364
Registriert: 18. Mai 2013, 16:07

Re: What's next?

Beitrag von nanograinger »

jerrys109 hat geschrieben: 15. August 2020, 21:30 Is there a need for me to keep translating the Perrypedia entries as I read the issues? Cedric's summaries are publically available at and it's easy enough for you to run the German Perrypedia entries through online translation.
Dear Jerry,

thanks for the link to Cedric's website. I checked the latest entries there (PR 2883 in the "Star Vault" cycle) and it seems that he also translates the Perrypedia summaries now.

Personally, I read your summaries in order to remind me of the issues (of now seven years !) past. So for me it was a sort of a rerun of the old cycle, like it is done in the "Classics" area of the forum right now for the "Endless Armada" cycle". I have done the same some years back for four years starting with the "Tolkandians".

So this is my suggestion: Start an English language Classic Cycle in the "International" area where you quote/link to Cedric's website (which at least initially has material independent of the Perrypedia) and post your remarks to the issue of the week. I will try to add my comments as I find the time. Maybe others will join, though I must say that you should not expect much participation from my experience.

Best, Matthias
Beiträge: 2159
Registriert: 30. Mai 2019, 11:16
Wohnort: Irgendwo zwischen Carina-491 und Neo-Sol

Re: What's next?

Beitrag von ZEUT-42 »

jerrys109 hat geschrieben: 15. August 2020, 21:30 Hello everyone,
I'm in a bit of a quandary on what to do next. The major reason I've been translating the Perrypedia summaries, was to put them up on Cedric Beust's Perry Rhodan summary site, so that English readers had something available. However, he has been doing his own summaries since issue 2800, so there is no need for me to do so.
Is there a need for me to keep translating the Perrypedia entries as I read the issues? Cedric's summaries are publically available at and it's easy enough for you to run the German Perrypedia entries through online translation.

What do you people think? I'd be glad to hear your opinions.

Jerry Schneiderman
Sorry to read it that late.

I would suggest you start over with the cycle "Myth", because that one comes with a huge "stopover" of several hundreds of years, with entirely new personnel except the crew of the flagship RAS TSCHUBAI which sees a re-entry after escaping stasis in issue 3000 plus Reginald Bull who returns (or Reginald Bell as he was called in the old US translation).

The cycle "Myth" begins with issue 3000 but also with issue 3015. I would focus on the second beginning starting with 3015, that makes more sense than starting with 3000.
Beiträge: 871
Registriert: 29. Juni 2012, 20:45

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von astroGK »

Hi Jerry, I have translated the summary of volume 3015 from the Perrypedia with Since this tool gives much better results than the Google translator.
What do you think of this automatc translated text?
3015 Raptus Terrae
Catastrophe in the Sol system - how the earth became a myth
While Farye Sepheroa, the hyperphysicist Winston Duke and the xenotechnical analyst Osmund Solemani collect information on Rudyn in the Terraneum Museum on October 19, 2045 NGZ, Perry Rhodan talks with Reginald Bull and Posbi Ganud about the events of the years 1552 NGZ to 1615 NGZ.

1552 NGZ: When the agonizing effects of Ekpyrosis begin to abate, but Perry Rhodan does not return from wandering, Bull puts together the RAS CHUBAI Search Commando (RTS). The commander in chief is Admiral Anna Patoman. The search for the RAS CHUBAI remains fruitless.

From the year 1554 NGZ on, there are disturbing events in the Sol system. On 23 March an automatic probe with defective data storage devices appears in the Kuiper Belt. This is nothing special in itself, but the probe should not exist at all, or rather not yet - it was built in 1556 NGZ. The probe is examined for titanium at the Clark Walter Institute, but it is not until two years later that it becomes clear how it was able to travel through time. From May 20, 1556 NGZ on so-called singularity stripes appear in the sol system, especially in the area of Terra and Luna. These two-dimensional sections in space have no detectable mass, but a gravitation of up to 100 g. In some of them time runs backwards. The chronotheoretician Aichatou Zakara calls the phenomenon a retrochronic space-time excerpt. It is assumed that we are dealing with an interaction between the converted Eiris and the Sphragis of Sol.

In the following months, the stripes grow steadily and finally bulge into gigantic cubes, whose presence considerably limits space travel and transmitter traffic in the Sol system. They are called hyperlocation cubes. Incoming probes are moved hundreds of light-years away and time shifts also occur. Dolan JASON (Zakara is on board), commanded by Opiter Quint, enters a cube. He only reappears in the year 2002 NGZ. In December 1556 NGZ Ganud, at that time still advisor to the Tefrodian ruler Vetris-Molaud, comes to Terra to protect Toio Zindher and Shinae. Shinae mentions to him a "sad" friend" named Opeth Ezenzer, whose existence her parents had not known about until then.

On January 5, 1557 NGZ a procession starts in Nuuk, a small town on Greenland. Strange immaterial animals appear from nowhere and move through the streets. Shinae is afraid of the animals, because her friend has warned her. Ezenzer advises Shinae to return to the city of Allerorten. Shinae gives a description of Ezenzer according to which he is a Thesan. Bull puts the TLD on the matter. So it becomes known that beings like Shinae's friend have been sighted frequently lately. On March 2, an inhuman scream can be heard everywhere on Terra and Luna for exactly two minutes and nine seconds (that is the duration of a pain steleportation) that goes through the marrow and legs. Toio Zindher and Shinae go to the city of Allerorten. Bull does not follow them at first due to the current situation in the sol system - and then it is too late. The contact between the City of Allerorten and the Sol system breaks off.

As the hyperphysical irritations in the sol system continue to increase, the solar residence is moved to Rudyn in 1566 NGZ. After Hekéner Sharoun's assassination in 1572 NGZ, Bull becomes the new resident of LFG. Hypercorrosion then sets in. The service life of all equipment working on a hyperphysical basis is drastically reduced. The decisive turning point, which forms the basis for the current situation in the Milky Way, comes in January 1614 NGZ. Several hyperlocation cubes begin to enclose Terra and Luna. Evacuation begins immediately, but about half the population, including Homer G. Adams, is left behind when Earth and Moon disappear at 15:55 Terrania local time on January 5th. The Raptus zone remains inaccessible. On April 19, an alien planet appears with a moon in the zone. Due to the gravitational and spatio-temporal chaos associated with this, some LORETTA tenders are destroyed, so that the TERRANOVA screen can no longer be assembled. The sol system is completely evacuated. A strange, insurmountable barrier - the Clausum - is created, possibly a kind of perverted TERRANOVA screen.

One year later all intelligent beings in the Milky Way feel an inexplicable "strangeness" of their own memories of Terra. It is as if they have experienced none of this themselves. On top of that, thoughts of the original home of mankind are now connected with aversion. The sextadim psychomedic Laila Tennester discovers a sensory-reactive frequency pattern in the OBEQ constants of those affected, which she calls Terran Odium or T-Odium. Thoughts of Terra and Luna cause discomfort so that they become encapsulated. This mental protection mechanism causes people to think that Terra and Luna are unreal and don't want to know anything about them. In this context we speak of a psychoplastic deformation. Apparently, the six-dimensional imprint of the universe in the area of the Milky Way has changed minimally, but still decisively. Starting point is the sol system. The T-Odium is the reaction to the change. This is how the myth Terra was created.
Translated with (free version)
Beiträge: 733
Registriert: 22. Juli 2013, 20:29

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von M13 »

Hi astroGK,
is this an unedited version of the translation? "RAS TSCHUBAI" became "RAS CHUBAI". "City of Allerorten" is another pain point.
I'd expected "City of Everywhere" or "City of Everyplace" or "The City Of All Places" as Cédric Beust once translated ( or was this Google Translate?? ).

Beiträge: 871
Registriert: 29. Juni 2012, 20:45

Re: Synopsis by jerry

Beitrag von astroGK »

M13 hat geschrieben: 20. Oktober 2020, 14:44 Hi astroGK,
is this an unedited version of the translation? "RAS TSCHUBAI" became "RAS CHUBAI". "City of Allerorten" is another pain point.
I'd expected "City of Everywhere" or "City of Everyplace" or "The City Of All Places" as Cédric Beust once translated ( or was this Google Translate?? ).

Hi M13, this text is completely automatically translated with and not edited afterwards. This is where the errors come from. But there are only a few, right?
The translation quality from deepl is excellent in my opinion. But I cannot judge it because I am not a native speaker.
Best GK

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